- Access code
- Access rights in the category tree
- Access to the event manager
- Administration
- All dates: Do deregistrations and registrations
- All dates: Record attendances
- All dates: Send invitation
- All dates: Show event dates
- Allotments
- Allow deletion of learner’s results
- Assess course participant
- Assess essay questions
- Assess participants (speaker)
- Assessment
- Assign qualifications
- Automatic allotment
- Automatic recording of attendance lists
- Bill export
- Blog
- Bookings
- Campaign
- Certification overview
- Change, create
- Change external content
- Checkpoint
- Collaboration tool
- Community
- Community message
- Community message template
- Confidential file
- Control item
- Course
- Course activation
- Course announcement
- Course rating
- Course contents
- Create a certificate
- Create a training plan for user content
- Create an activated event for user content
- Create and edit categories
- Create and edit user
- Create community groups
- Create course activation for user content
- Create course for user content
- Create general runs in participant management
- Create instructional materials for user content
- Create media for user content
- Create training inventory entries for employees
- Dashboard
- Deactivated learning object
- Deeplink
- Delete categories
- Delete (object permission)
- Delete users permanently
- Design template type
- Direct certificate
- Drill down reports
- Dynamic reports
- E-payment
- Edit approval requests
- Edit content pages (object permission)
- Edit mode
- Edit users
- Essay questions assessment
- Event
- Event date
- Event date group
- Event manager
- Exercise
- Expanded layout
- Expiration page
- Export objects
- External staff
- Feedback form
- Feedback question
- Feedback text area
- Fill from the waiting list
- Final page
- Flashcard
- Flashcard file
- Forum
- Forum activity
- Gallery
- Gamification
- Gamification elements
- Grading scale
- History
- Hurdle
- Import objects
- Import users
- Indirect certificate
- Individual notification
- Info page
- Instructional material
- Integration of the roombooking in the calendar with Outlook and Google Mail
- Knowledge test
- Knowledge test question
- Language of correspondence
- Learning journal
- Learning object
- Learning path
- Main page
- Make a reservation
- Manage participants (object permission)
- Mandatory object
- Media
- Membership
- Microsoft Viva Learning
- Notifications
- OB3
- Object permission
- Organizational block of time
- OU
- Own event dates: Do deregistrations and registrations
- Own event dates: Record attendances
- Own event dates: Send a follow-up e-mail and a thank-you e-mail
- Own event dates: Send invitation
- Own event dates: Show event dates
- Participant management
- Participant rule
- Passing score
- Permission group
- Person-dependent certification
- Person-independent certification
- Point accounts
- Point system
- Postponed
- Power BI
- Power Query Editor
- Private message
- Question type
- Re-issue certifications
- Read, select
- Recommendation
- Record attendance at an event/an event date involving user-generated content instead of the usual author-generated content
- Record certification
- Record training inventory
- Replace certification file
- Replace own certification file
- Report favorites
- Report subscriptions
- Report templates
- Reports
- Resource with capacity
- Role
- Room booking notification
- Room request
- Run
- Scale of points
- SCORM wrapper
- Section
- Self-approval
- Self-approval of team leaders
- Shared file
- Show, create and edit external subscribers
- Show, create and edit keywords
- Show, create and edit translations
- Show dashboard
- Show favorites tab
- Show reports tab
- Standard allotment
- Starting page of the course
- Static reports
- Status of the course activation
- Status of the event date
- Streams
- Sub-type of design template
- Superior
- System messages
- Task
- Task hurdle
- Task manager
- Team leader
- Time difference
- Time obstacle
- Time zone
- Training coach
- Training inventory
- Training needs
- Training plan
- Training request
- Training suggestion
- Trigger
- UGC Learning unit
- User
- User-defined fields
- Utilization diagram
- Validity of certification
- View and edit the VC setting at the location
- View training inventory entries
- Web-based training
- Widget
- xAPI