Avendoo® online documentation

Event management

In the area event management there are the following functions available:

Overview of event dates

You can choose between the overview of event date and the overview by event date group.

In the overview of event date you can choose between five display options (list view, daily view, work week, week or month). The display options daily view, work week and week have an agenda view, this means that isochronous event dates are listed in parallel.

The overview of event date is structured by Title, Event, Title of run, Start, Start (location), Time zone for the event date, End, End (location), Capacity utilization, Location, Room, City, Event speaker, Status, Language, Course activation, Tagging, Initiator, Description of event date groups and Event date description. Via right click on the table header you can edit display of columns and order. You can add the following columns via the icon +: Event type, External reference (event date), External reference type (event date), External reference (event) and External reference type (event).

In the overview by event date group Avendoo® lists the main event dates of the event date groups. Avendoo® makes an event date group from the start of the main event date until the end of the last follow-up event date. If there are no follow-up event dates, the end of the main event date is the end of the event date group.

The overview by event date group is sorted by Title, Event, Title of run, Start, Start (location), Time zone for starting date, End, End (location), Time zone for end date, Capacity utilization, Location, City, Event speaker, Status of main event date, Language, Course activation, Tagging, Initiator, Status of final event date, Description of event date groups and Event date description. Via right click on the table header you can edit display of columns and order. You can add the following columns via the icon +: External reference (event date), External reference type (event date), External reference (event) and External reference type (event).

Via the two arrows on the top right you can move the display to the left or right side. You can click on the +-symbol top right for getting further filter options displayed in both overviews.

In these list views and also in all list views Avendoo® saves the sorting of the list view and this list view is available on the next login again.

If you choose the context menu of the title, you can choose between “Show report” and “Copy the event date to further event”. You can get all reports regarding the report category Event management and sub category Event dates displayed. If you choose “Copy the event date to further event” you can select a created event date and copy it into the Event date wizard.

Generally you can filter by the following data (if you click in the filter area top right on the +- symbol, you see further filter options):

  • Title
  • Tagging
  • Language (+): Language, in which the title of the event is displayed and to which the filter “Title” refers.
  • Event language (+):
    Language of the event dates
  • Course activation language (+):
    Language of the created course activation; the event is released by the course activation
  • I am the coordinator for the event
  • I am the speaker for the event
  • I am the initiator of the event
    The initiator is the person who has initiated the creation of the event date. And it is the person who hasn’t managed the coordination (training coach or event speaker), but is responsible for the event date. You can use this person in reports also as filter. Note that the initiator is optional. You can use this data, but don’t have to.
  • Hide follow-up event dates (only event dates overview)
  • Active course activations:
    Filters the list of the event dates in such way that the result are event dates, which have via the course activations the status “Active” or “Closed”, not “Archived” or “Initiated”.
  • Contained in course activations:
    Shows only the event dates which are in events and integrated in a course, which is via a course activation accessible. This means, you can add participants to these event dates.
  • Activated event dates of clients not assigned to me in which learning content is allowed to be created (+): Shows event dates, which are in events and their content client are not viewable because of missing authorization. There are clients of the course activation, via the event is accessible,viewable.
  • Event date (group) status
    • Being planned
    • Initiated
    • Active
    • Carried out
    • Closed
    • Canceled
  • Start and end date:
    You limit the time period with start and end date.
    Note: Note that the starting date of the event dates are after the starting date of the filter and before the end date.
  • Issue list of interested parties (only event dates overview)
  • Starting date (location)
  • End date (location)
  • Location
  • City
  • Number of registered participants (max):
    Enter the maximum number of the registerd participants to find events with low capacity utilization. Example: Show me events, to which are only 10 participants or less are registered.
  • Number of free slots (max):
    Enter the maximum number of the free slots to find events with high capacity utilization. Also event dates are shown, at which 0 free slots are, because these event dates are completely used to capacity. Example: Show me events, at which only maximum 3 slots or less are free.
  • Title of run
  • External reference (event date)
  • External reference type (event date)
  • External reference (event)
  • External reference type (event)
  • Event speaker
    This filter considers main and co-speakers.
  • Participant
    • User name
    • Last name
    • First name
    • E-mail
    • ID (+)
    • External reference (+)
    • External user reference type (+)
    • Identity Provider User ID (+)
    • Identity Provider ID (+)
    • Telephone (+)
    • Mobile number (business) (+)
    • Mobile phone number (private) (+)
    • OU (+)
  • Classifications
    • Target client:
      Choose the client, which classifications should be used for the classification filter.
    • Start date for registration deadline
    • End date for registration deadline
    • Announcement sent
      Choose between “Sent”, “Not sent” and “No choice”.
    • Include subcategories (only event date groups overview)
