Avendoo® online documentation


The Cockpit is your control center as team leader. Via Cockpit you have access to your To-do items (reviews, tasks, essay questions, approve participation(s), approve deregistration, approve runs and approve course(s); only visible if there are entries) and the following areas:

  • Employees

    On the tab Employees you manage the learning content of individual employees or of the whole organizational unit (OU). You can register or cancel the registration of employess to courses, training plans or event dates and you keep track of the training inventory of your employees.

    Additionally, you can register frontend users. You add them by adding them manually or you import them via CSV file. You got an example file for this at the corresponding page.

    The tab Employees is only visible for you, if the team leader right Manage course participants is activated by the author or administrator and if entries are existing.

  • Learning groups

    You manage the course activations and runs for which you are learning assistant on tab Learning groups.

  • Reports

    If the author has assigned report templates to you, you can see via the tab Reports reports, which are listed by report category and sub category.

    This tab is only visible for you, if entries are existing.

  • Reservation

    If you want to create, assign or cancel a reservation, choose the tab Reservation.

    The tab Reservation is only visible for you, if the right Make a reservation is activated by the author or administrator and if there is a number entered in the field Possible number of reservations. Further information you find here.

  • Favorites

    If you have favorized some reports, you can see and edit them on the tab Favorites.

    This tab is only visible for you, if entries are existing.

  • Reported training needs

    If you or your employees want to educate theirselves, choose the tab Reported training needs. You can report training need of your employees or you can create training suggestions for new training topics for advancing the development of your Avendoo® learning world.

To get to your Cockpit, choose on the start page the tab Cockpit.


You can search in the whole user and team leader area for learning units in Search. By entering a search topic you set a filter. The appropriate learning units will be shown as result. You can open the learning units via click.

If you click on the button Show filter, on the left hand filters are shown, which you can select. You see in brackets the existing learning units regarding the filter. You close the filters by clicking the X.

You can set the following filters:

  • At the lastest, dates in:
    • 2 weeks
    • 1 month
    • 2 months
    • 6 months
  • Relevant to IDD
    • Only relevant courses
  • Learning format
  • Time period
    • Starting date
    • End date
  • Status
    • At my learning place
    • Not at my learning place
  • Classification
  • Approval
    • Approval requested
    • Approval not required
  • Language
  • Minimum rating
  • Certification

To-do items

There are seven categories of To-do items: reviews, tasks, essay questions, approve participation(s), approve deregistration, approve runs and approve course(s). The visibility of single to-do items depends on authorizations. The visibilty of the tabs depend on existing To-do’s. Via the links you get to the view of the corresponding to-do item.

The author with the right Change, create (system settings) configures the shown table columns regarding the assessments (assessmentlist), essay questions (essaylist), Approve participations (eventapprovelist), Approve deregistration (eventcancellist), Approve runs (inningapprovelist) and Approve courses (learnunittodolist) in the corresponding system settings for the standard display (coach.cockpit.table.technischer-to-do-name.columnconfig.default). Additionally, this author decides which columns are available for selection (coach.cockpit.table.technischer-to-do-name.columnconfig.allowed).

If you click the rear wheel, you can configure the columns (see second screenshot). By setting a check mark in the preferences, the corresponding column is displayed. You can edit the columns via the menu 6 points by moving the corresponding column with a pressed mouse click.

If you click the title of the column, the arrow for the ascending or descending order is shown and the data is sorted in that way (see third screenshot).

You can filter by the following criteria: Course participants, Course, Assessment title, OU and/or Assessment state (Not filled out, Filled out, Filled out/passed or Filled out/did not pass).