You can do the following actions in the Administration area for authors
- Create and edit Custom pages,
- Create and edit Campaigns,
- Create and edit Media for use everywhere,
- Create and edit SSO and import configuration,
- Define System settings,
- Create, edit and assign Report templates,
- Organize Moves,
- Create and edit PKCS#12 certificates,
- Display the User import events and
- Create and edit user-defined fields.
For further information please contact our support team.
Before version 17.42 you can configure in the old admin area via the fixed system parameters “TutorMaxInactiveInterval” (default: 4000 seconds) und “UserMaxInactiveInterval” (default: 1800 seconds) the session timeout in the backend and frontend. For more information since version 17.42 see under Transferred and removed settings caused by the remodeling of the old admin area.
At Custom pages you can create individualized 404 error pages, individual login pages, individual course layouts, Avendoo® layouts, error pages for VC join link, system maxed out pages, general error pages, content error pages and e-mail template pages. Furthermore you can create individual custom pages in the user frontend or custom pages for resetting the password.
Shows the central media center and the files, which are content of it.
Enables you the SSO and import configuration regarding SCIM 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
Shows the systemwide possibilities of configuration.
Under Report templates you manage static and dynamic report templates, which you assign to the favored user. You can create only one report template of a static report template, but as many as you want of a dynamic report template.
Management of Moves
For further information please contact our Support Team.
Here you can create and edit PKCS#12 certificates.
Here you can show which user import events exist by the function Import users.
You can create and edit user-defined fields (text field, object selection, dropdown or multiselect), which are shown in the Event wizard, Event date wizard, Course activation wizard, Course wizard, Materials wizard, Remote content wizard, UGC wizard for learning units, Booking wizard and/or Training suggestions.