Info page
The info page is shown to the learner as first page, if he/she opens a course via the catalog and the learner still isn’t a participant.
On the info page you find all important information about the course. Thus the learner can decide, if he/she wants to register to the course and individual events. If a learner is directly registered to a course, the info page doesn’t appear automatically.
You get the following data on the info page: the preview image; the register button to the course, request of an approval if applicable; the learner can download a SCORM package; learning format; date since the course is available in the catalog; available languages; first and last name of the training coach; title of the course and description; the learner can see assessments regarding the course and he/she can make an assessment; preview on the content (learning path); the learner can register at an event of the course, request of an approval if applicable and the learner can browse in the available collaboration tools if they are released.
Authors use an Empty page for free designing or one of the existing design templates or Move.