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Describes the trigger of a task.

You get an overview of the trigging processes of the appropriate trigger in the following table:



Trigger Triggered
Event date activation by creating an active event date or by changing the event date status to “Active”.
Changed food requests by changing the food requests via the registration process in the user area or via the event manager (participant management – function at the participant) in the author backend.
Changed overnight stay bookings by changing the overnight stay bookings via the registration process in the user area or via the event manager (participant management – hotel) in the author backend.
Substitute participant by selecting and registering a substitute participant as team leader via the registration process in the team leader area or via the event manager in the author backend.
as soon as an user is registered to the event date. The registration can be done by the author, team leader or the user himself.
Registration cancellations as soon as an user is deregistered to the event date. The registration cancellation can be done by the author, team leader or the user himself.
Advance on the waiting list as soon as an user switches from the waiting list to the participant list. This is caused by deregistering another participant by the author, team leader or the user himself.
Too few participants by deregistering participants (Note: Changes near the limit of minimum or maximum number of participants are no trigger.).
Too many participants by registering participants and advance on the waiting list (Note: Changes near the limit of minimum or maximum number of participants are no trigger.).
Event date initialization (this means the coordinator can create and edit tasks before Event date activation) by creating an event date with status “Initiated”.
Event date planning (this means the coordinator can create and edit tasks before Event date activation) by creating an event date with status “Being Planned”.
Event date cancelation
by switching from an event date with any status to “Canceled”.