Avendoo® online documentation

Create new permission group


You got the right Read, select, Change, create, Delete (object permission) and Change external content via your author account (User management (objects) → Permission groups).

Via the permission groups you define, which team leader rights, author rights and user rights are assigned to the members and dependent on the user type which available reports are assigned to. Example for an assigned report: A team leader has access to the report “Training inventory entries“, which he can show and open on his page Successes.

Besides these assigned rights you define via a selection of clients, for which user and authors the permission group is available. Finally, you can choose the roles, which are assigned to the members of the group.


If a user is member of multiple permission groups, thus the rights sum up globally from all groups.

Additionally, you can use the mass processing functions Copy and Delete for processing multiple permission groups. More information about these functions you find under Permission groups: Mass processing functions.

The following functions are available via the context menu of the corresponding permission group title.

Create new permission group

To create a new permission group, choose User management → Permission groups  and click then on the button “New permission group”. The Permission groups wizard opens.

Master data

Enter a title for the permission group.

External reference

Enter an external reference. Objects in external systems can be identified using the external reference.

Enter a description of the permission group.

Assign team leader rights

Assign rights

Define the single permissions of the team leaders via setting the check box. Via the button “Assign permissions” Avendoo® sets a check box at all permissions. If you want to remove the permissions, click on the button “Remove permissions”.

You can assign the following team leader rights:

Manage organizational units

To manage organizational units, click into the field of the organizational units and choose one of the existing OUs or enter a text for the OU. You finish by clicking the button Add. Entries with % as wild card for any character are allowed. If the group is assigned to a user or an author, who wasn’t team leader before, he will be team leader. Via clicking the icon   you delete the added OUs.

Assign author rights

Assign rights

Define the permissions of this permission group via the displayed table by choosing the appropriate permission area and assign or remove the appropriate permissions.


The visibility of users in the Event manager can outrun the configured OUs. Example: If an author is team leader with the access right “Record attendances for own event dates” at the same time, he/she can record attendances for participants of his/her own team and for further participants.

Further information on the author rights you find in the chapter New author.

You can assign the following author rights:

Assign user rights



Assign reports to the various user types.


Select the reports under “Available reports” via setting a check box or assign them all via the double arrow icon. The assigned reports will be shown under “Compilation”.

Author team leader

Select the reports under “Available reports” via setting a check box or assign them all via the icon

The assigned reports will be shown under “Compilation”.


Select the reports under “Available reports” via setting a check box or assign them all via the double arrow icon. The assigned reports will be shown under “Compilation”.

User team leader

Select the reports under “Available reports” via setting a check box or assign them all via the double arrow icon. The assigned reports will be shown under “Compilation”.

Released clients

Allocate clients

Define via a selection of main clients, for which users and authors the permission group is available. For this purpose click on “Add” and select in the opening dialog window one or more clients.


If you have selected client A in a permission group, you can assign this permission group to these, which are created in client A (= main client). This doesn’t mean that the permission group gives view to content or users of this client. You define the visibility of content and users via the client assignment of the user (Author assistant) and you can limit it via a teamleader function. Further information about you find under User management  New author Clients.

Allocate visible clients

Allocate the visible clients to the appropriate permission group via the button Add. The visible clients are those clients which the user gets as visible clients when the permission group is allocated to him/her. The available clients (see above) are those clients in which you can use the permission group.

If applicable you can remove the visible clients via the button Remove.


Assign roles

Define which roles the members of the group should get. There are all roles of the released clients available. Therefore choose one client, then a favored role and then click on the button “Add”.

If there no roles created for the chosen client or all available roles already assigned to the client, there will be shown no available roles. You manage the roles in the client wizard.

Practical example

A user is member of multiple permission groups, which contain a various selection of team leader rights and a various selection of team leader OUs.

The user is then team leader for the OUs of all groups and has for all OUs the same rights. This means the rights are summed up from all groups.


You can create, edit and delete permission groups via API.

For further questions please contact our support team.