Avendoo® online documentation

Notifications, individual notifications, community and system messages


(Individual) notifications via e-mail and community

Title Text of the e-mail Text of the community message Trigger Where to activate the notification
Recipient of the e-mail Client for default
Booking of user’s absence The author can adjust the text of the origin text only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. It’s possible to attach an iCal.
The author has maintained an absence entry. Tab Messages in the Client wizard User and/or superior Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Calendar booking for a material The author can adjust the text of the origin text only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. It’s possible to attach an iCal.
The author has added a manual calendar entry in the Materials wizard. Tab Messages in the Client wizard Owner or co-ordinator Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Calendar booking for a room The author can adjust the text of the origin text only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. It’s possible to attach an iCal.
The author has added a manual calendar entry in the Room assistant. Tab Messages in the Client wizard Co-ordinator and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Copy of task reminder (participants) The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Task reminder (Participants)” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. The processing time of the course activation is overdue.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending to additional recipients in the column Preferences on the tab  Communication in the Course activation wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Copy of escalation (participants) The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Escalation (Participants)” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. The processing time of the course activation is overdue by x days as configured in the notification (tab Communication in the Course activation wizard).

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending to additional recipients in the column Preferences on the tab  Communication in the Course activation wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of deregistration confirmation to Participant was or has deregistered.
Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.
Option Sending copy of deregistration confirmation to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of the participants’ registration confirmations to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Participants’ registration confirmation” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. Participant was registered by the team leader or author.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of participants’ registration confirmations to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of the participants’ registration confirmations (waiting list) to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Participants’ registration confirmation (waiting list)” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. Participant was automatically registered to the waiting list.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of participants’ registration confirmations to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of automatic event date deregistration to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Automatic event date deregistration” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. Participant was automatically deregistered to the event date.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of participants’ deregistration confirmations to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of invitation mail to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Sending invitation mail” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. Participant was registered by the team leader or author and has received an invitation mail.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of the participants’ invitations to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of move from waiting list to event place to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Move from waiting list to event place” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. There’s a free event slot  and the participant of the waiting list is registered.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of change from waiting list to event slot to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of move from waiting list to event place (invitation) to The author can adjust the text of the origin text of “Move from waiting list to event place (invitation)” only via the wizards Notifications and Individual notifications. In the subject line you see “Copy” per default as prefix in this line and you see  information text about the origin recipient (participant) before the e-mail text. There’s a free event slot  and the participant of the waiting list is registered and receives an invitation.

Prerequisite for the copy: A notification was sent to the participant, so there will be sent a copy to selected recipients.

Option Sending copy of change from waiting list to event slot to on the sub tab Parameters of  the tab Master data Stammdaten in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and further selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Deregistration from learning unit (course activation) Participant was deregistered. Sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard Participant Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Assessment – Fill-out request Dear $FullUsername$,

Please fill out the following assessment.

Participant: $Participant$ ($ParticipantLogin$)
Course: $CourseTitle$
Assessment: $AssessmentTitle$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. A participant is registered to a course with an assessment and the course is completed.


Individual notifications

Tab Messages in the Client wizard and Tab Communication in the Client wizard All course participants Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Assessment – Confirmation Dear $FullUsername$,

Your pending assessment was filled out.

Course: $CourseTitle$
Assessment: $AssessmentTitle$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. A participant has done an assessment.


Individual notifications

Tab Messages in the Client wizard and Tab Communication in the Client wizard Course participants who did an assessment Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Assessment – Plan learning transfer interview Dear $FullUsername$,

The superior of the participant below can now set a date for a meeting with the participant to discuss what was learned.

Participant: $Participant$ ($ParticipantLogin$) – $ParticipantOe$
Superior: $ParticipantSuperiorFullUsername$
E-mail: $ParticipantEmail$
Phone: $ParticipantPhone$
Cell phone: $ParticipantPhoneMobile$

The participant attended the event “$SeminarTitle$” up to$SeminarEventEnd$.

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. A participant has done an assessment.


Individual notifications

Tab Messages in the Client wizard and Tab Communication in the Client wizard Coordinator for planning a learning transfer interview with the superior Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Assessment – Learning transfer Dear $FullUsername$,

The evaluation “$AssessmentTitle$” was filled out for the user $Participant$ ($ParticipantLogin$).
Superior: $ParticipantSuperiorFullUsername$
Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. An assessment is filled out for a participant.


Individual notifications

Tab Messages in the Client wizard and Tab Communication in the Client wizard Coordinator for learning transfer interview Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Announcement of run The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The author has created a new run.


Individual notifications

Individual notification “Announcement of run” is created. Participants registered on the corresponding course activation and the initiator Content client

(check mark Content can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Automatic event date deregistration The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is automatically sent. Thus the author cannot activate or deactivate this option. The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is automatically sent. Thus the author cannot activate or deactivate this option. The minimun number of participants is below the limiting value or/and the preparations for the event haven’t been done in time.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard or on the tab Messages in the Event wizard Registered particpants (with accompanying persons) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Task reminder (participants) Dear First name and last name,

For a course assignment not all the relevant learning objects were completed.

Participant: First name and last name (The participant’s user name)
Course: Course title XYZ
Course duration: Duration of the course activation
Days till the duration is exceeded: 10 days
URL to course assignment: Link to the course

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text.

The author can create individually the text. Overdue content of a course activation or element on the learning path got a fixed reminder date for processing.


Individual notifications

Configure on the sub tab How the event will proceed of the tab Communication in the Event wizard and on the sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard and on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Users who haven’t already finished the course (optionally: superior, training coach, course activation owner, training coach of the participant) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Task reminder (summary) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Overdue content of a course activation or element on the learning path got a fixed reminder date for processing.


Individual notifications

Configure on the sub tab How the event will proceed of the tab Communication in the Event wizard and on the sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard and on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Superior and/or training coach and/or course activation owner and/or training coach of the participant Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Notification upon a deregistration from a course (notification for course activation with type Event, E-learning or Blended learning) You are deregistered from learning unit $MessageParameter$ by $MessageParameter$.

The author can create individually the text.

The author can create individually the text. The user is deregistered from the learning unit or user has deregistered by him/herself or he/she was deregistered by an author or team leader.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard

Copies to selected recipients (superior, coordinator, owner, training coach or/and speakers) via the sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard.

Deregistered participant Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Notification on registration for course (notification for course activation with type Event, E-learning or Blended learning) You are registered to learning unit $MessageParameter$ by $MessageParameter$.

The author can create individually the text.

The author can create individually the text. The user is registered to the learning unit by the team leader or the author and the course activation got the status Active.


Individual notifications

Notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Registered participant Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Double opt-in The author can create individually the text. Learner has received a verification e-mail for registration.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User who wants to register Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of the participants’ invitations to Participant was  invited to an event.
Thus a copy of the notification which was sent to the particpant, also will be sent to the selected recipients.
Sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Escalation (participants) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Duration of a course is exceeded by a participant or an element on the learning path is overdue.


Individual notifications

Configure the Expected processing time in the General characteristics of the learning objects on the tab Course content in the Course wizard and configure the notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Users who haven’t already finished the course (optionally: superior, training coach, course activation owner, training coach of the participant) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Escalation (summary) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Duration of a course is exceeded by a participant or summarized elements on the learning path are overdue.


Individual notifications

Configure the Expected processing time in the General characteristics of the learning objects on the tab Course content in the Course wizard and configure the notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Superior and/or training coach and/or course activation owner and/or training coach of the participant Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Fall of the time obstacle in the course activation The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A time obstacle has been overcome within a course activation.


Individual notifications

Configure time obstacle on the learning path on the tab Course content in the Course wizard and configure the notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Participant of a course with a time obstacle Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Approval for course activation registration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. User has registered to a course activation with approval request or was registered by an author or team leader.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Superior (of the participant) who accepts or rejects the approval Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Certification notifications The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. The validity of certification is soon expired. Save certificate with validity under General characteristics of an event and/or of a knowledge test on the tab Course content in the Course wizard Certificate owner, Certified user, Superior, Training coach, User and External contact Content client

(check mark Content can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Hotel notifications regarding booking request The author can create individually the text. There is a booking request regarding a registration to an event date.


Individual notifications

Create individual notification “Hotel notifications regarding booking request” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Contact person of the hotel Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

IDD transmission error The author can create individually the text. Transmission error regarding IDD time.


Individual notifications

Create individual notification “IDD transmission error” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Superior of the participant on whom was an IDD transmission error Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Login – User registration Dear $FullUsername$,

Welcome you to this new world of learning from Avendoo. Use the following user data to log into Avendoo:
User name: $Login$
Password: $NewPassword$

You reach Avendoo at the following address: http://abc:4711/Avendoo

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

 A user has registered.


Individual notifications

Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard User who has registered Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

New documents in course activation
  1. $CourseTitle$
  2. $AssignmentTitleLink$
  3. $Title$
  4. $SecondTitle$
  5. $UserFirstname$
  6. $UserLastname$
  7. $UserSex$
  8. $UserOe$
  9. $UserRegion$
  10. $UserGroup$
  11. $UserDivision$
  12. $UserCountry$
The author can create individually the text. The author has uploaded new documents in the course activation.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Communication in the Event wizard Participant of a course activation in which are now new documents Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Room booking notification The author can create individually the text.

iCal as attachment is automatically sent. Thus the author cannot activate or deactivate this option.

A selected room has been booked regarding a created event date.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Contact person of the location with the booked room Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Task notification – Created The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A task has been created, because the conditions are met.


Individual notifications

Save task templates in the Venue assistant, Room assistant, Materials, Event or Event date wizard and configure on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Affected participants of a course activation Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Switch from waiting list to event slot Dear $FullUsername$,

You have received a slot for the following event and are now registered for it.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Venue: $SeminarEventLocation$
Address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Starting date: $SeminarEventStart$

Please check to see which preparations are required.

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is possible.

The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is possible. An event slot is free. Create individual notificationEvent – Switch from waiting list to event slot” ; default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard, configurable on the sub tab Notifications of the tab Notifications in the Event wizard
Superior, coordinator, owner of course activation, training coach and/or speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Change from waiting list to event slot (invitation) Dear $FullUsername$,You have received a slot for the following event and are now registered for it.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Venue: $SeminarEventLocation$
Address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Starting date: $SeminarEventStart$

Please check to see which preparations are required.

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is possible.

The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is possible. An event slot is free. Create individual notificationEvent – Change from waiting list to event slot (invitation)” ; default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard, configurable on the sub tab Notifications of the tab Notifications in the Event wizard
Superior, coordinator, owner of course activation, training coach and/or speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Task notification – Due date The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A task is due, because the date is reached.


Individual notifications

Save task templates in the Venue assistant, Room assistant, Materials, Event or Event date wizard and configure on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Affected participants of a course activation Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event date announcement The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. An event date has been created.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent date announcement” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – feedback The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Event with feedback is finished.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – feedback” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Participants who should fill-out a feedback Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Send registration confirmation The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The registration confirmation has been sent to participants.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Communication in the Event wizard; CC on the sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard Participants and superior (in CC) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Send registration confimation (waiting list) The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The registration confirmation (waiting list) has been sent to participants.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Communication in the Event wizard Participants and superior (in CC) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – approval request for event date deregistration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. User has deregistered from an event date with approval.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – approval request for event date deregistration” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Team leader Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – approval request for event date deregistration declined The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. User has deregistered from an event date with approval.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – approval request for event date deregistration declined” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User who has sent the approval request Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – date request accepted (speaker) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Event speaker accepts speaker invitation.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – date request accepted (speaker)” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Event wizard and Messages in the Client wizard Selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – date request answered (speaker) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Event speaker responds to speaker invitation.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – date request answered (speaker)” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Event wizard and Messages in the Client wizard Selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – date request declined (speaker) The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Event speaker declines speaker invitation.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – date request declined (speaker)” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Event wizard and Messages in the Client wizard Selected recipients Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – unauthorized event date deregistration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Team leader has declined an event date deregistration.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – unauthorized event date deregistration” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Event wizard and Messages in the Client wizard User who’s waiting for approval Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Did not participate in event The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. User has not participated on event which event date has been closed.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – did not participate in event” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Team leader Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – Manual deregistration Dear First name and last name

Your registration for the following event has been cancelled:

Event: Event title XYZ
Event location: Event venue
Start: (DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm)

Reason for canceling registration

Of course you are welcome to re-register for another event date.

Best regards,
Your event speaker

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

The author can create individually the text.

The author can create individually the text. User was manually deregistred from an event.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationEvent – manual deregistration” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Manually deregistered user Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Event – New document The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. New document is visible for the event date.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Event wizard, tab Messages in the Client wizard User Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Sending of invitation e-mail The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The author can create individually the text. iCal as attachment is available. The invitation e-mail has been sent to participants.


Individual notifications

Sub tab Parameters of the tab Master data in the Event date wizard or as default on tab Messages in the Client wizard Participants and superior (in CC) Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community – approval request for joining group The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Notification to the approver if there’s  an approval request for joining a group


Individual notifications

Notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Approver Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community – entry to group accepted The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Notification to the user when his approval request for joining the group has been accepted


Individual notifications

Notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User who wants to join the group Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community – Denied entry to group The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. The responsible person has denied the entry to a group in the community.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCommunity – Denied entry to group” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User who wanted to be member of the community group Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community – comment liked The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Notification to the user if someone has liked his/her comment


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCommunity – comment liked” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User of the comment Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community – message liked The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Notification to the user if someone has liked his/her message.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCommunity – message liked” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User of the message Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Follow-up with event invitation The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. The author has clicked on the button Send in the dialog window Follow-up with event invitation in the Event manager.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard or on the tab Messages in the Event wizard or via click Follow-up in the Event manager Selected users Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activation – Denial of an approval request The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Approval request was denied.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activation – Denial of an approval request” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Course participant who has sent the approval request Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activation – Escalation of an approval request The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Approval request wasn’t processed in time.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activation – Escalation of an approval request” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard The responsible person of the course activation Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activation – Did not pass knowledge test The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. User has failed the knowledge test.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activation – Did not pass knowledge test” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard Superior of the user Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activation – A new topic was created in the forum The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A new topic was created in the forum.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activation – A new topic was created in the forum” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User of the forum Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activation – A new forum article was created The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A new post was created in the forum.


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activation – A new forum article was created” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User of the forum Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Course activationForum article responded to The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A reply to a post in the forum


Individual notifications

Create individual notificationCourse activationForum article responded to” and configure notification on the tab Messages in the Client wizard User who has created the forum article Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Run – approval for run registration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. Learner was registered to a run which requires an approval


Individual notifications

Create individual notification “Run- approval for registering to a run” and configure notification on the tab Messages in theClient wizard
Approver Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Send copy of change from waiting list to event place to Participant changes from waiting list to event place.
Thus a copy of the notification which was sent to the particpant, also will be sent to the selected recipients.
Sub tab Parametersof the tab Master data in the Event date wizard
Superior, Coordinator, Owner, Training coach and speakers Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Training plan – registration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A participant was registered to a training plan.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard and configure on the tab Messages of the Training plan wizard
Registered participants Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Training plan – deregistration The author can create individually the text. The author can create individually the text. A participant was deregistered from a training plan.


Individual notifications

Default on the tab Messages in the Client wizard and configure on the tab Messages of the Training plan wizard Deregistered participants Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created is set under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard)

Community and system messages

The news stream of the community consists of different news. Besides short messages of other users also automatic system messages (see first table below) appear. The variable $MessageParameter$ contains depending on the system message a certain value, for example if there is a link to a course or to profile of a user. As author you can also create notifications via e-mail or community individually.

On community message templates the author can define own texts for certain topics. Information about message templates you find here.

Title (message type)
Text Trigger Mailing type Recipient Editing Client for the default
Subscription – Automatic sending of reports Dear $FullUsername$

You are receiving the Avendoo report you subscribed to:


The subscription was created by $ReportAboCreator$.

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

An author or a user or a team leader has created a subscription. Automatically Selected users Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Tasks – Notification on completion on a task Dear $FullUsername$

The course participant $Participant$ has marked the task designated as $TaskTitle$ as finished in the course $CourseTitle$.

Please note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A participant has marked the exercise as “Done”. Automatically All course participants Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Tasks – Announcement in the event of a new task Dear $FullUsername$

A new task designated as $TaskTitle$ was put in the course $Coursename$ for you.

Please note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

An author has added a task to a course. Automatically All course participants Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Catering details for event venues (community) Free selectable text There are catering details for event locations. Automatically Coordinator Message texts (Community) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – Remove from a community group You have been removed by $MessageParameter$ from the group $MessageParameter$. A user has you removed from a community group. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – Add to a community group $MessageParameter$ has added you to the group $MessageParameter$. You have been added to a community group by another user. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Member has left personal pin wall / Member has left group $MessageParameter$ has left the personal pin wall / $MessageParameter$ has left the group. A member has clicked on the button “Remove” in the personal pin wall or in the group. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – New private message Hello, $FullUsername$,

$PrivateMessageSender$ sent you a new message: $PrivateMessageText$

Link to message

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has written a new message for another user. Automatically Recipient of the private message Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – New comment Hi $FullUsername$,

$CommunityCommentCreator$ commented on the posting $CommunityCommentMessageTitle$.

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has commented a post. Automatically Creator of the post Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – New community group was created $MessageParameter$ has created the group $MessageParameter$.
Short description: $MessageParameter$
A new community group was created. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Community – New member in the personal pin wall / new member of group $MessageParameter$ has joined the personal pin wall. / $MessageParameter$ has joined the group. A new member has clicked on the button “Join” in your personal pin wall or your group. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

ePayment – Payment was successful Dear $FullUsername$

The payment was successfully carried out.

Title: $EPaymentTitle$

Date: $EPaymentDate$
Amount: $Amount$ $Currency$

Ref. No: $EPaymentRefNo$

Note: This mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A participant has paid a course via ePayment. Automatically User who has paid. Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Forum – Send post Dear $FullUsername$,

The following post entitled ‘$ForumArticleTitle$’ was sent to you by $FullUsernameSender$.


Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A post was sent to a user by another user. Automatically User who has received the post. Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Essay question – Assessment e-mail Dear $FullUsername$

One of your essay questions was checked and commented on as indicated below:

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has assessed the essay question of  a participant in a knowledge test. Automatically Course participants Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Approval request An approval request of the learning unit $MessageParameter$ for $MessageParameter$ wasn’t answered. The approval request wasn’t answered. Automatically Approver Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Selected overnight stays per hotel (community) Selected text Overnight stays of a hotel were selected. Automatically Coordinator Message texts (Community) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Group – A user wants to join your group $MessageParameter$ wants to join your group $MessageParameter$. A user has clicked on the button “Join” in your group. Automatically Owner of the group Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Course blog – Notification about a new blog entry Dear $FullUsername$

A new blog entry was posted in the course $Coursename$.

The new entry is as follows: ‘$NewBlogArticleTitle$’

Please note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has created a new blog entry in a course with a certain title. Automatically All course participants Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Course blog – Notification about a new comment Dear $FullUsername$

A comment was posted on your blog entry for ‘$Blogarticle$’.

Please note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has written a comment for a blog entry. Automatically Creator of the blog entry Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Course management – Needs were retrieved Dear $FullUsername$

Training needs were retrieved.

Course activation: $CourseTitle$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Request of training needs in a course activation Automatically Owner of course activation Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Course management – Request feedback on learning objectives Dear $FullUsername$

Please fill out the form sent for checking the learning objective.

Course: “$CourseTitle$”
Course participant: $Participant$

Click on the link to proceed to the form:

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Course is completed Automatically Recipient of a learning goals control Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Learning assistance ended You were deregistered by $MessageParameter$ for the training plan $MessageParameter$. The learning assistant has deregistered. Automatically Participant with learning assistance Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Learning Object – Information for the superior Dear $FullUsername$,

The participant “$Participant$ ($ParticipantLogin$)” once again failed the knowledge test entitled “$SequenceTitle$”in the course entitled “$CourseTitle$”.

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A participant has failed a knowledge test for many times. Automatically Superior of the participant Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Login – Password forgotten Dear $FullUsername$,
A request was made to reset the Avendoo password for the following account:

User name: $Login$

If this request was not intended, you can ignore this e-mail. The old password will remain unchanged.

To reset the password, click on the link below within the next 24 hours:

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user has set back his/her password. Automatically User who has set back his/her password Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Message for blended learning $MessageParameter$ has created a message for the participants of the course activation $MessageParameter$. Message was created for blended learning. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Message for e-learning Message was created for e-learning. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Message for event Message was created for event. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Message for course activation $MessageParameter$ has created a message for the participants of the course activation $MessageParameter$. Message was created for course activation. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Message for training plan $MessageParameter$ has created a message for the participants of the training plan $MessageParameter$. Message was created for training plan. Automatically User Bundles can be overwritten Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

NT account verification Dear $FullUsername$,
You updated your personal data in Avendoo.
Please check that the data is correct.

User name: $Login$
NT account: $HrLogin$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user updated his/her personal data. Automatically User who made an update of his/her personal data Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Poll – Reminder of poll Dear $FullUsername$,

You have not yet sent an answer to the following poll.

Link: http://abc:4711/Avendoo$PollLink$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A user still hasn’t answered a poll. Automatically Recipient of the poll Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Poll – Link to poll Dear $FullUsername$,

Please send us your answer to the following poll.

Link: http://abc:4711/Avendoo$PollLink$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Automatically Recipient of the poll Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – A user didn’t appear to an event date. $MessageParameter$ hasn’t attend the event date $MessageParameter$ on $MessageParameter$ in $MessageParameter$. Automatically to the superior (not to the team leader), if the author has closed an event date and hasn’t recorded the attendance. Automatically Superior Bundles can be overwritten Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event removed from catalog /E-learning removed from catalog/Blended learning removed from catalog (Community) The learning unit $MessageParameter$ has been removed from your catalog by $MessageParameter$. Learning unit was removed from catalog. Automatically Users, whose learning unit is no longer valid Community notifications Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event added to catalog /E-learning added to catalog/Blended learning added to catalog (Community) The learning unit  $MessageParameter$ was added by $MessageParameter$ to your catalog. Learning unit was added to the catalog. Automatically Users, whose learning unit is now valid Community notifications Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Registration canceled after participation in event was approved Dear $FullUsername$,

After $FullParticipantName$ was approved as a participant in the following event, his registration for the event was canceled.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starts: $SeminarEventStart$

Yours truly,
Your Event Leader

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Deregistration after an approved participation Automatically Superior who has approved Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Deregistration of waiting list Deregistration of a waiting list Automatically Participant who was deregistered on the waiting list Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Confirmation of registration CC A new participant was registered for the event:

Name: $FullUsername$
Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventLocation$
Event address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Begins: $SeminarEventStart$
Event deadline: $SeminarEventDeadline$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Registration of a new participant in an event Automatically cc-recipient of the registration confirmation Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Registration confirmation CC waiting list A new participant was registered for the waiting list:

Name: $FullUsername$
Event: $SeminarTitle$
Venue: $SeminarEventLocation$
Address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Starting date: $SeminarEventStart$

Event deadline: $SeminarEventDeadline$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Registration of a new participant on a waiting list Automatically cc-recipient of the registration confirmation on waiting list Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Confirmation of registration on list of interested parties Dear $FullUsername$,

You registered on the list of interested parties for the following event.
Event: $SeminarTitle$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Registration to list of interested parties Automatically User who has registered to list of interested parties Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Automatic removal from waiting list Dear $FullUsername$,

You were automatically removed from the waiting list:

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Venue: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starting date: $SeminarEventStart$

Sorry, you have not completed the required preparations on time.
We have therefore removed you from the waiting list.

You may naturally register for another event date.

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not reply to it.

Preperations were not done Automatically Participant on waiting list with preparations Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Fulness status The number of registered participants for the following event date has reached a limit.


Currently registered participants: $SeminarEventActual$
Maximum number of participants: $SeminarEventMax$
Minimum number of participants: $SeminarEventMin$
Number of participants on the waiting list: $SeminarEventWaiting$

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventLocation$
Event address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Starts at: $SeminarEventStart$

Event deadline: $SeminarEventDeadline$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Limit of booking is reached at an event date Automatically Coordinator Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Thank-you e-mail after the event Dear $FullUsername$

Thank you so much for taking part in the event $SeminarTitle$

Attendance of a participant was confirmed. Automatically Participant Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Invitation rejected Dear $FullUsername$,

The user $Participant$ ($ParticipantLogin$) turned down the event invitation.
Event: $SeminarTitle$
Location: $SeminarEventLocation$
Address: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starting time: $SeminarEventStart$
Reason for cancelation: $SeminarCancelComment$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Participant has rejected an invitation. Automatically User who has invited Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Reminder Dear $FullUsername$

You are registered for the following event:

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventLocation$
Start: $SeminarEventStart$

You have not completed the necessary preparatory work according to our current records.
Please check which preparatory work you still have to complete for this event.

You have until the date below to submit the currently outstanding preparatory work:

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Preparations of an event were not done. Automatically Participant who hasn’t done the preparations Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Reminder waiting list Dear $FullUsername$,

You are on the waiting list for the following event.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Venue: $SeminarEventLocation$
Starting date: $SeminarEventStart$

You have not yet completed the required preparations.
Please check to see which preparations you still have to complete for this event.

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Waiting list participant still hasn’t done the preparations. Automatically Participant of waiting list who hasn’t done the preparations Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Request for approval to participate in an event Dear $FullUsername$,

Participation in the following event must still be approved for $FullParticipantName$.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starts: $SeminarEventStart$

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

User has registered to an event with approval. Automatically Approver of the event Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – list of interested parties, limit reached Dear $FullUsername$,

The limit for participants has been reached for the list of interested parties for the following event.
Event: $SeminarTitle$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Limit of number of participants on list of interested parties is reached. Automatically Creator of the list of interested parties Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Attendance list Dear $FullUsername$,

You are scheduled as the coach for the following event: $SeminarTitle$

Event venue: $SeminarEventLocation$
Event address: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starting time: $SeminarEventStart$

You have been sent the attendance list as an attachment.

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Registration deadline is reached. Automatically Speaker Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Attendance list (coordinator) Dear $FullUsername$

The registration deadline for the event $SeminarTitle$ has passed.

Please prepare the event date. The event manager functions in Avendoo are available to you for this purpose.

This e–mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Registration deadline is reached. Automatically Coordinator Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

EventEvent deregistration to speaker Dear $FullUsername$,

You are no longer scheduled as a speaker for the following event date:

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventLocation$
Event address: $SeminarEventAddress$

Begins: $SeminarEventStart$

Best regards
Your coordinator

This e-mail was created automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Speaker was removed in an event date. Automatically Speaker Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – meeting request to speaker

The following variables are NOT available in this message typ since  version 17.43:
– $SeminarDeeplink$,
– $SeminarEventDeeplink$,
– $SeminarEventDeeplinkVC$,
– $VCLink$,
– $SeminarEscortName$,
– $SeminarPriceSource$ and
– $SeminarEventParticipantPrice$.

Speaker was added in an event date. Automatically Speaker Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Participation in the event denied Dear $FullParticipantName$,

Participation in the following event was not approved.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starts: $SeminarEventStart$

Kind regards,

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Approver has denied the participation. Automatically Participant Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Event – Participation in the event approved Dear $FullParticipantName$,

Participation in the following event was approved.

Event: $SeminarTitle$
Event location: $SeminarEventAddress$
Starts: $SeminarEventStart$

With kind regards,

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

Approver has approved the participation. Automatically Participant Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Content client

(check mark Content can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Promotional action Dear $FullUsername$


An author starts a promotional action. Automatically Recipient of a course announcement Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Knowledge test passed Dear $FullUsername$,

You have passed the knowledge test entitled “$SequenceTitle$”.

Further details:
You earned $ReachedPoints$ points out of a maximum of $MaxPoints$ possible points.
Your personal score is $ReachedLevel$ (minimum passing score is $MinPointLevel$) points
Conducted on $Date$
You required the following amount of time: $Duration$ [hh:mm:ss].

This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A knowledge test was passed. Automatically Participant of the knowledge test Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)

Certificate – Below limit Dear $FullUsername$

The value for the following certificate in Avendoo has dropped below the limit.

Certificate: $Certificate$
Note: $CertificateLimitMessage$
Limit set: $CertificateLimitValue$
Current number of certifications: $CertificateLimitActualValue$

Note: This e-mail was generated automatically. Please do not respond to it.

A limit in a certificate went below. Automatically Owner of a certificate Message texts (E-mail texts) on tab Messages in the Client wizard Activation client

(check mark Course activations and users can be created under Basic properties on the tab Master data in the Client wizard is set)