course activation, there are three options: First via the Course activation wizard, second manually via the participant management and third via rule on participants.
If you want to use the approval procedure for the registration of a learner to a certain- You can define in the participant management per participant, if the approval procedure should be activated.
- You define the standard setting in the Course activation wizard by setting the check box, that the approval procedure is valid for all manually added participants. This is valid for participants, which are added via the extended import and for participants, who open the course activation via a training plan.
- You can sign the standard setting over with a rule on participants.
On all variants the registration of the course activation is subject to approval and the learner can edit the content only, if the responsible person has issued the approval.
Subsequently we explain you the effects and options of the approval procedure step by step.
Example and quick instruction
1. Create course
An author creates a new course (Learning content → Course→ New course) and adds the favored learning objects on the learning path.
2. Activate approval procedure
Variant 1:
The author activates the approval procedure for the course activation in the Course activation wizard by setting the appropiate check box on the tab Registration management (see screenshot). This setting is valid by default for all manually added participants of the course activation, for participants, which are added via extended import and for participants, who open the course activation via a training plan.
Variant 2:
The author creates a rule on participants for the course activation and activates the approval procedure. Thus the approval procedure for registration of course activation is valid for all participants which are affected by the rule. This setting signs over the standard setting of the Course activation wizard.
Variant 3:
If you want to activate the approval procedure for individual participants of the course activation, you can do so on the tab User in the participant management. Therefore click on the settings icon at the beginning of the table and add “Approval procedure (course activation)”. Now you see the columns “Approval procedures”, “Status of the approval” and “Change date of the approval procedure”. Via click on the content of the column “Approval procedure (course activation)” you can define per user, if the approval procedure should be used or not. The same is true for the column “Status of the approval”. In this column you can change the status of the approval manually.
3. Participant management
The author adds the individual users to the course activation (Course management → Course activation → Participant management).
Important: If you click on the button “Add user” you have to select Option 3 (Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “mandatory”) or Option 4 (Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “optional”), because an approval can only be requested from users, who are (already) not registered to the course activation.
If you want to use the approval procedure (afterward) for an already created course activation, you can define this for the participants manually. The approval procedure is not valid for already registered participants.
Click on the icon Settings in the table header on the tab Users and add “Approval procedure (course activation)”. Now you see the columns “Approval procedure (course activation)”, “Status of the approval” and “Date of change of the approval”. If you click into the column “Approval procedure (course activation)” you can define, if the approval procedure should be used or not. The same is effective for the column “Status of the approval”. You can change manually the status of the approval.
4. A participant requests an approval
If a user opens a course via the catalog , the info or main page of the course is displayed. At these pages the learning path, the learning format, the available languages and the training coach is displayed. Also the collaboration tools of the course activation are displayed if adjusted. They cannot be selected until the approval has been issued.
Via the button Order registration the user can enter a comment for the approval in the opening dialog window Approval and then he/she can click on the button Request approval. Then you see on the info or main page of the course date and time of the request.
5. Accept/reject approval request
Who receives the approval request?
- If the registration is possible by the team leader: the direct superior (on the basis of the user data record of the inquirer), if he/she is the team leader of the user OU
- If he/she doesn’t exist and the registration is possible by the team leader: this team leader, which has the same OU like the inquirer and which is authorized to the user OU (if there are multiple, the oldest account is relevant)
- If he/she doesn’t exist and the registration is possible by the team leader: this team leader, which sees the user (if there are multiple, this one, which OU has the highest congruence with the OU of the inquirer; if there are multiple, the oldest account is relevant)
- If he/she doesn’t exist (this means that there is no team leader in the whole client, which is authorized to the OU of the inquirer or team leader are generally not allowed to register): the training coach of the course activation (author)
- If he/she doesn’t exist (this means no training coach is defined): owner of the course activation (author)
6. Approve/reject participation
If a team leader receives approval requests for a course activation, he/she can edit them in the To-do items in “My Cockpit“. Via click on “Approve participation” or “Reject participation” he/she reacts to the approvals. In both cases a community message is generated, which contains the current status of the approval request.
If a team leader rejects an approval, he/she can enter an appropriate reason in the comment field. This will be shown to the user in the community message.
If a user is automatically deregistered from an event date within an approval procedure, he/she receives the message “The event participation at the following event has not been approved”.
Alternative to the team leader the author can edit the approval request in the participant management of the course activation on the tab Users by clicking in the column Status of the approval on Requested. The author sees in the opening dialog window Change approval status the comment of the user and can change the status to Approved or Not approved and he/she can enter a comment for changing the status.
7. Edit course/put a new question
If the request of the user was approved, the user can start processing the course via click on the title of the learning unit in the community message or he/she can choose and process the learning unit at his/her learning place.
If a request was rejected, the user can do a request again. Via click on the title of the learning unit in the community message the info page of the course opens. If the user clicks on the button “Order registration”, a dialog window opens, which shows all existing requests and their progress. If you click “Request approval again”, there will be sent a further approval request to the responsible person.
How is the controlling the type of registration linked to the approval procedure?
If the author has selected the option “External registration only” or “Only authors are entitled to register” on the tab Registration management in the Course activation wizard, these courses are actually not visible in the catalog of the user. If the author has defined the approval procedure for the course activation via the Course activation wizard or the rule on participants, the course activation is displayed in the catalog but all for that and the user can send an approval request.
How can be the self-approval of team leaders be processed when courses are approved, event dates are approved at registration or deregistration?
The approval is triggered to the entered superior and if not available to the responsible team leader, when the team leader has the right “Edit approval requests”, the system property “teamleaderSelfApproval” is activated and the team leader isn’t authorized about him/herself. Furthermore the approval is triggered, if the team leader has the right “Edit approval requests”, the system property “teamleaderSelfApproval” is deactivated and the team leader is authorized about him/herself or he/she isn’t authorized about him/herself.