participant management of a course activation, choose Course management → Course activation → participant icon (in the line of the favored course activation).
To get to theOverview
In this view you see five statistics of the selected course activation. In the statistic Course participants and Processing status all users with the registration status Registered are considered.
In the statistic Course participants you see the overview of the course participants and how many (in per cent) have edited the course Mandatory or Optional.
In the statistic Processing status you see the processing status of the participants, ordered by
Not attempted
The course participant gets the status Not attempted, after he/she has been registered to the course activation, but hasn’t already started with processing this course.Incomplete
The course participant gets the status Incomplete as soon as he/she has begun withe processing the course, but hasn’t already finished it.Browsed
The course participant gets the status Browsed as soon as he/she has opened the course, but hasn’t already started with processing the course.Failed
- The course participant receives the status Failed, if there are mandatory element with the Edit mode Pass on the learning path and these are not passed. Example: A knowledge test result was below the passing score.
- The course participant receives the status Completed, if he/she has done mandatory elements with the Edit mode Mandatory or Pass. Even when a knowledge test isn’t completed successfully, the processing status of the participant is Finished.
The course participant receives the status Passed, if the mandatory elements of the learning path have the Edit mode Mandatory and they are passed. Example: The course participant has completed a knowledge test above the passing score.
In the statistic Use of all participants you see:
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants) are registered
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants) can see the course in the catalog
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants) are removed from the course activation, this means the participants, which were deregistered or who have deregisterd themselves
- how many participants are marked as deleted (this means they are not permanently deleted)
In the statistic Use of participants who have started you see:
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants) are registered and who have already started
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants), who have already started, can see the course in the catalog
- how many participants (all users, inactive participants and active participants), who have already started, are removed from the course activation, this means they are deregistered or they have deregistered themselves
- how many participants are marked as deleted (this means they are not permanently deleted)
The following users you see in the following colors:
Not attempted
In the statistic Maximum number of bookable users you see, how many participants can be booked on maximum in the course activation.
Add user
Add a user to the course. You have four options:
- Register users as participants and set to “mandatory”
- Register users as participants and set to “optional”
- Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “mandatory”
- Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “optional”
In the overview below you see now Registered in the column Registration status.
To register users to a run, choose the context menu in the column “Information regarding the run” and select the appropriate entry. If users couldn’t be registered to the run, a message in the column “Run with warning” appears.
If you click on the table entry in the column “Information regarding the run”, you get an overview of the event dates of the corresponding run. If you click on the table entry in the column “Run with warning”, the Event manager opens.
Example for registering a user to several runs
Mathilda Green should be registered to the runs “Basic training”, “Training for advanced learners” and “Training for experts”.
What are your next steps?
You click on the Run icon in the column Information regarding the run in the line of the user Mathilda Green. If this column isn’t shown you click on the gear wheel on the table header and add the column Information regarding the run in the dialog window Configure column view. If you’ve clicked on the Run icon the dialog window with a list of all runs to which Mathida Green is registered and can be registered is shown (see second screenshot). Click on + in front of each run to register her to the runs “Basic training”, “Training for advanced learners” and “Training for experts”. If you want to deregister Mathilda Green from another run click on the recycle bin of the corresponding run. Then click on the button Close window. Now you see the entry Training for experts in the column Information regarding the run (see third screenshot). That is the run to which Mathilda Green was registered last. If you click on the recycle bin, only the shown run is removed, this means Mathilda Green is only deregistered from that run. To see the event date status click on the User icon (see fourth screenshot).
Remove user
A dialog window, in which are all participants listed, opens. By setting a check box you select a participant and you can remove him/her. In the overview below you see now Removed in the column Registration status.
Send message
You get automatically to the next tab Notifications. First select the recipients of your notification:
- all course participants
- all course participants who have not completed the course
- all course participants who have not completed the selected learning object (select below)
The number in parentheses shows how many participants are concerned.
Then you can create your message (notification) and you select if this should be sent by Community or via e-mail. By clicking Publish you send the notification.
Advanced import
Select first, if you want the registration status Catalog or Participant.
If you select the registration status Catalog, select Option 3 (Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “mandatory.) or Option 4 (Display the course activation in the user’s catalog and set “optional”), this depends on which editing mode (optional or mandatory) the course activation has. If you select the registration status Participant, select Option 1 (Register users as participants and set “mandatory”) or Option 2 (Register users as participants and set “optional”), this depends on which editing mode (optional or mandatory) the course activation has.
You can add participants via the e-mail-address, the first and last name or the login. Enter the appropriate data in the entry field of the appropriate method (e-mail, first and last name, login). Notes, how to enter the data you find directly beneath the entry field. Afterwards you click on the button Recognize participant data. Then you get a list with all users, which are found regarding your entered data. The check boxes before all names are automatically set. If you don’t want to add a participant anymore, just deselect the check box.
Via click on the button Add you add all selected users as participants to this course activation (registration status: Registered/edit mode: Optional).
Import participants from course activation
If you want to add the participants of a course activation to another course activation, you can choose this function. Thus you avoid a new user import.
Reset SCORM WBT lessonLocation/suspend Data
To reset content of the SCORM WBT, click on the button Reset SCORM WBT lessonLocation/suspend Data. Select the favored content in the opening dialog window and click the button Select.
This reset has no effect on status and time.
Quick registration
The quick registration is a real-time search. Once you enter characters of the first name, last name or login name, you get all users, which contain these characters, displayed.
Skip element
If you click the status icon of the respective user, the dialog window “Learning results” opens. If you select the learning object, which should be skipped, you can set a check box at “Skip element”. Now Avendoo® skips this learning object in the learning path. The skipped learning object doesn’t turn green on the learning path, because it wasn’t processed or visited. The positioning indiciator turns to the next learning object on the learning path, which can be processed by now.
Change the approval status of a subject on approval
If you click on the link Requested in the column Status of the approval of the appropriate user, the dialog window Change approval status opens. You see the comment entered by the user as he requested and you can change the status via drop down menue to Approved or Not approved besides entering a comment regarding the change of status.
Further information about the approval procedure of the course activation you find here.
Display of the participants (table)
Configure column view
To add or delete further columns of the table, click on the icon in the table header on the left side.
The color of the rectangle in this line shows the current processing status of the participant (Not started, Viewed, Unfinished, Not passed and Finished). Via click on the rectangle you can edit the status.
Learning results
If you click on the colored rectangle in the column Status, the dialog window Learning results opens. Now you see first the user data of the participant. Course component shows you the individual learning objects of the course (title), the type of the learning object and the current processing status of the participant. Below you see the Detailed results, which you can delete if applicable via click on the recycle bin.
You can filter some data like status, registration status and edit mode further via the drag and drop menu.
Planned end date changed
Entry Yes, if you have changed the planned end date via the link Change in the column Planned end date.
Planned end date
- Link Change for selecting the planned end date. If you’ve selected or entered a planned end date users and/or team leaders will be shown the remaining processing time on the course tile via API, for example at the start page.
- Entry of the planned end date
Registration options (Course activation)
- Enable self-registration
- Registration can be done by team leader and authors
- Only author can do registration
Registration options (Event)
- Enable self-registration
- Registration can be done by team leader and authors
- Only author can do registration
Approval procedure (event)
- Without approval procedure
- Approval deemed “approved”
- Approval deemed “declined”
Approval procedure for deregistration (event)
- Without approval procedure
- Approval deemed “approved”
- Approval deemed “declined”
- Optional (default)
- Mandatory
Registration method
- Manual
- Rule regarding participants
Edit mode can be changed by team leader
- Not allowed (default)
- Approved
Registration conducted by team leader
- Not approved (default)
- Approved
Approval procedure (Course activation)
- Without approval procedure
- With approval procedure
Status of the approval
- Not requested
- Requested
- Approved
- Not approved
Note: If you select the option Catalog at the registration status and you don’t select Self-registration at the registration options (Course activation), the appropriate user doesn’t see this course activation in the catalog.
You find further information under “Sent notifications”.
Rules on participants
To record a new rule on participants, click on the button Record new rule on participants. A dialog window opens.
To copy already existing rules on participants of a course activation, click on the button Copy rules on participants of a course activation. A dialog window with a list of course activations, which contain rules on participants, opens. In this dialog window you can filter by the following criteria: Title, External reference, External reference type, ID, Language, Include subcategories, Active course activations, Inactive course activations, Archived course activations, Release type (All, Development measure or Exam mode), Classifications, Participants (User name, Last name, First name and Participant status (No restrictions, Registered or Catalog)).
Runs help you to structure the participant management of your course activations. You define a start date, to which time obstacles of learning path refer. Further you define the maximum number of participants, the status, price and costs. When the appropriate course activation contains events, you get them displayed.
You see in the adjacent figure (see screenshot), how events and event dates in two different runs relate to each other. The first event dates of both events (May and August) take place in a first run. The next event dates of both events (July and November) are on a second run.
If you have selected the event dates of the runs, you get the event dates displayed as event date group and do not get is displayed as single event dates.
You find information about the approval procedure for runs on the page “Approval procedure (event) for runs“.
At the summary after the registration of a run (on which event dates the participant is registered) the event dates are sorted by start date and the event title is shown in the appropriate language. Further you see an alternative event date if there are deregistered participants.
- If you plan several event dates in a course activation, choose runs. Via the runs you can select from each event, which you plan with a certain group of participants, an event date. If you create several runs, you can add several groups of participants to several event dates.
- You can define runs both on course and in the Participant management of the course activations. Runs, which you create in the Participant management, are only valid for the current course activation. You can also adjust this with the organizational right for authors Create general runs in participant management. Runs, which you’ve defined on the course, are valid for all course activations. The configuration of the option Runs for a course activation in the Registration management in the Course activation wizard is deciding.
- You can register users to runs as author. You register users to a run with status “Active” by setting a check box for editing before the appropriate run and clicking the button “Add user”. At the user selection you get also users, who are not registered to the course activation, listed. Avendoo® registers participants automatically to all event dates of the selected run and the course activation, if the participants were registered by an author to a run.
If you want to book the participants in the participant list of the event date at full participant list and don’t want to book on the waiting list on the run registration, click on the button “Add user with evnt date overbooking”. - You can define a run with a time obstacle, for example with the start date of the run.
- Avendoo® can transmit runs and the assigned event dates as change messages to serve as basis for creating a SAP VM course run offer. When authors create, edit or delete a run in Avendoo®, Avendoo® generates an appropriate change message. If an author creates, changes or deletes an event date, Avendoo® controls, if this event date is assigned to one or more runs and sends a change message if applicable.
- Authors can create community messages, which the participants receive, at the starting and the end of a run.
You get an overview of all defined runs in the table regarding
- Title
- Event dates
To show the detailed event data and the event title, click on the arrow on the left side besides this symbol. - ID
- External reference
- External reference type
- Start date
The runs are sorted chronologically per start date, whereat the latest start date is first (see screenshot). - Status
- Exclusive use through course activation
- Maximum number of participants (current number)
To deregister and/or replace participants, click on the appropriate link. In the opening dialog window you can select the appropriate participant and select the appropriate function via button (see screenshots). Prequisite for the function Replace the participant is activating the option Enable the selection of a substitute participant for runs on the tab Registration management in the Course activation wizard of the appropriate course activation. This option also enables team leaders to replace participants.
- Learning groups
- Price
- Costs
- Currency
- Initiator (First name)
You find information about selecting the initiator here under the tab Parameters of the Run wizard. - Initiator (Last name)
- Initiator (User name)
- Owner
- Creation date
- Change date
You can filter the filter to the following criteria:
Via this button you get an overview of filtered sent announcements of a run.
Runs to choose from
You can enhance or reduce the selection of runs via the buttons Add run and Remove run.
The option Runs for a course activation through the Registration management in the Course activation wizard is deciding for the run selection. Thus it’s possible to use a run in several course activations.
The organizational right for authors Create general runs in participant management also decides about the exclusivity of runs. Without this right you create only exclusive runs.
Sent notifications
If you get via the button Sent announcements of a run onto the list of runs to this tab, you get an overview of sent announcements of a run, which is filtered by the run (current user of the run).
If you select this overview via the tab, you see a table with all sent notifications, listed by the following criteria: Subject of the e-mail, Title of the community message, Registered to run (title), Notification type, User name, First name, Last name, E-mail and Created (Date and time). You can add the following columns via a right click on the table header and by selection of Edit display of columns and order: OU, Zip code, Group, External reference, External reference type, ID, Identity Provider User ID, Identity Provider ID, Division, Region, Company name, Street and building number, Town, Country, Telephone, Mobile number (business), Mobile phone number (private) and Personnel number.
If you on Show of the appropriate line of the sent notifications, a dialog window opens, in which the title and the content of the notification is shown.
You can filter by the following criteria: Subject of the e-mail, Title of the community message, Registered to run (title), Registered to run (ID), Notification type, Last name, First name, E-mail, OU, Company name, Street and building number, Zip code, Town, Group, Division, Telephone and Mobile number (business).
Notification of needs
Notification of needs suggest the participation of a user to a training option. Therefore click on Record new reported training needs.
In this overview you see the employees, whose needs are not booked. You can edit, delete the training needs or you can move the reported training needs to another course activation. Further you can create a booking regarding the reported training needs or you can extend an existing booking. Via the creation of a booking the user is registered to the course activation and the reported training need appears among the listing of reported training need with booking.
Record new reported training needs
To report a new training need, you have to fill out the following data:
Employee and organizational unit
Define an employee for this notification of needs or indicate how much need there is in an organizational entity.
- Employee
Via click on Choose a new dialog window opens. Then you select the user, for whom you want to record a new reported training need.
- Organizational unit
The organizational unit is automatically entered by the selection of the user.
- Necessary number
The necessary number will also be entered automatically by the selection of the user. Without selecting a user you can enter the training need (the number) of an organizational unit.
Due date and priorization
Prioritize the notification of needs and indicate the time for which the need must be met:
- Quarter/ year
- Priority: Low, Normal oder High
Remark and status
Select a status and add a remark where appropriate.
- Remark
- Status of the report: Initiated, Inquiry, Approved, Rejected, Registered or Completed
Language and costs
Determine the language and the costs being assumed:
- Language
- Externally funded
Set the check box, if the costs are covered by an external entity.
You can use the following functions on this tab:
- Edit transaction
- Manage transaction participants
- Configure column view
You see on this tab a table with transactions of the course activation with the following columns: Key number, Owner, End date, Billing date, Course, Created, Change date and Number of reservations. You can filter the columns Key number, Course and Number of reservations.
To check the transactions, choose Course management → Bookings.
Edit transaction
- To edit transactions, set a check mark in front of the transaction you want to edit (see first screenshot). Then click the button Edit transaction.
The wizard Transaction opens (see second screenshot). You see the key number in gray on tab Master data. You can’t change it. - You can maintain the following data:
– cost of booking, the amount and the currency
– Start date
– End date
– the number of days that are relevant for booking - Switch to tab Meta data (see third screenshot).
This data is only for information and is not linked to any function.
If you want to maintain the following data for this booking: Valid from, Valid until, Version and Note. - Switch to the tab Parameters (see fourth screenshot). Additionally, you see user-defined fields if they are activated in the wizard User-defined fields.
- Enter the billing date and the billing reference for this booking.
- Click the button Save.
Manage transaction participants
- To edit transactions, set a check mark before the transaction (see first screenshot) and click the button Manage transaction participants.
The wizard Booking opens (see second screenshot). You see on tab Participants all transaction participants in a table with the columns User name, First name, Last name, Status, OU, Quarter, Year, Number, Language, Remark, Externally funded, Last status change, Superior and Coordinator. - Ihnen werden auf dem Reiter Teilnehmer alle Buchungsteilnehmer in der Tabelle mit den Spalten Benutzername, Vorname, Nachname, Status, OE, Quartal, Jahr, Anzahl, Sprache, Bemerkung, Fremdfinanzierung, Letzte Statusänderung, Vorgesetzer und Koordinator.
- If you set a check mark before the corresponding participant, you can use the following functions (see third screenshot).
– Extend transaction this means you can add and edit several participants within a booking
– Cancel transaction
– New reservation
– Edit reservation this means you can add and edit several reservations within a booking
– Show change history - Switch to tab Event overview.
You see an overview of all participants in a table with the columns User name, First name, Last name, Status, Event title, Price, Currency, Start date and End date. You can filter by the following criteria: User name, First name, Last name, Status, Event title and Price.
Configure column view
If you click the gear wheel you can change the display and order of the favored columns by setting a check mark and do drag and drop.