Avendoo® online documentation


Deeplinks enable that Avendoo® content is available as external link. Depending on the system configuration the user gets redirected after authentification (login, SSO, SAML etc.). There are nine deeplink types available.


– Please do not use the deeplinks for linking learning objects in Avendoo®, but from external to Avendoo®.
– If there are some languages are not allowed in deeplinks this leads to a deeplink call with the allowed language. Further information you find in the chapter Languages on the page Course activations.

Search for deeplink of the course activation or/and IDs

  1. Choose Course management -> Course activation.
  2. Choose Information in the context menu of the title of the appropriate course activation.
  3. Now you have two ways:
    1. Choose the tab General. You find the deeplink of the the appropriate course activation in the line ID.
    2. If you want to link to a special learning object in the course activation, choose the tab IDs. You find the IDs of the learning objects, which are used in the course activation. Choose the appropriate ID and follow the instruction in chapter “Course activation and training plans”.

Course activations and training plans (type 41 and type 84)

The deeplinks for the course activations and training plans are available in two variants:

  1. The link is opened with Java script in a new dialog window. If the user leaves the course, he/she gets deregistered and the dialog window gets closed.
  2. The user enters the link. If the user leaves the course, he/she gets deregistered and he/she gets redirected to a logout site.

The deeplink can contain additionally a language parameter, which causes that the appropriate learning content in the stated language gets opened. Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=HereInsertID&type41&lang=en

If you want to link to a course object or learning unit, for example web-based training, you have to add the objectId with a colon after the longId. Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=HereInsertID:objectId&type=41&lang=en

Example for a deeplink to a learning object: http://serveraddress/en/link?longId=courseactivationID,1:LearningobjectID,1&type=41

Location display (type 116)

Further there are deeplinks available, which open a location display.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=1474273182099_1: 1473660084849_1:0_0:14744337819569_1&type=116

The LongId contains:

  • Assignment Uid
  • Location Uid
  • Room Uid (If there is no location in the URL, 0_0  is used as place holder)
  • Event date Uid

Community messages (type 136)

The deeplinks for community messages link the user to the community area of the user or to the community area of the author.

You can configure via the system property “community.email.link.destination.view” in the system settings in the admin area, if you go to the tab “Community” of a course activation in the case of “Course community”, “Learning groups” and “Private messages” or if you go to the general community site.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?messageId=HereInsertID&type=136

OB3 (type 165)

This deeplink links the user to the appropriate OB3.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?type=165&longId=HereInsertID&ob3Type=41

Cockpit (type 200)

This deeplink links the user into the cockpit, if the user is a team leader.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?type=200

Cockpit employee display (type 201)

This deeplink links the user into the cockpit and opens the employee pop-up.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?type=201&user=LOGIN&qExtRef=VALUE&action=addLearnunit

The user parameter contains the login of the user, for which the employee display should be shown.

Via the parameter qExtRef all qualification values with the appropriate external reference are selected as filter on the site.

The optional action parameter addLearnunit causes that the area “To add further learning units” is shown in the employee display.

Catalog (type 202)

This deeplink links the user into the catalog. The parameter qExtRef selects all qualification values with the appropriate reference as filter on the site.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?type=202&qExtRef=VALUE

Open report (type 203)

This deeplink links the user to the report filter site of an assigned report template. If the direct routing is activated in the report template, the display of the report can be opened directly, if all mandatory filters are transferred.

Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=-8197532428135267380&type=203&rf_user=1540986396999,1&rf_courseparticipantprocessingstatus=5&rf_time_begin=11/06/2018&rf_time_end=11/07/2018

longId stands for report template Id and parameters, which begin with “rf”, are filters, which are transferred.

By now this deeplink is configured for the dynamic report “A user’s activities“. The filter in this report can be transferred.

Filter: Activities of a user

You don’t have to enter the filter parameters. Correspondingly the filter site is filled.

  • rf_user=1540986396999,1 > user Id
  • rf_user=userloginxy > user name(login)
  • rf_courseparticipantprocessingstatus=5 > -1=No limitation, 2=Not finished, 5=Completed
  • rf_time_begin=11/06/2018 > start time
  • rf_time_end=11/07/2018 > end time
  • rf_assignment_state=60,70 > status of the course activation
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_INITIALIZED: 10 (Initiated)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_PLANNED: 20 (Being planned)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_FREEZED: 30 (Decision)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_DECLINED_LATER: 40 (Rejected later)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_DECLINED_NEVER: 50 (Rejected)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_APPROVED: 55 (Approved)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_ACTIVE: 60 (Active)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_CLOSED: 70 (Closed)
    • Avendoo.ASSIGNMENT_STATE_ARCHIVED: 80 (Archived)

Deeplink and SSO

If a deeplink contains the attribute “SSO”, Avendoo® controls, if a session is in the IDP system for the user. Example: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=1432804989438,1&sso=idp&type=41&lang=en

Example for a deeplink with registration code: https://www.avendooInsertURL.de/en/link?longId=1481622803041,1&type=41&sso=idp®Code=REGCODE_NAME

You can set the following parameters within the “deeplink.configuration” in the admin area:

logoutRedirectUrlSso = URL, to which the user is routed, if he/she has entered a SSO link and wants to leave the course/training plan/learning content.

logoutRedirectUrl = URL, to which the user is routed, if he/she has entered the link and wants to leave the course/training plan/learning content.

redirectFailedUrl = URL, to which the user is routed, if the deeplink is incorrect.

Multiple configuration: You can create several IDPs for Avendoo® with the appropriate identifier as prefix. Depending on the identifier of the user of of the deeplink the appropriate values are used. If there is no value for the exact value, you can create a standard value without prefix.


logoutRedirectUrlSso = www.url1.de
idp2.logoutRedirectUrlSso = www.url2.de
logoutRedirectUrlSso = www.url-standard.de

Settings for the registration form on the login site: If the user gets in the case of a deeplink at the login site and he/she has no user account, he/she can register. Thus an appropriate registration code has to be created. Then the user gets via deeplink to the appropriate course activation or training plan.

loginArea.register.active =activates the registration form at the login site in the case of a deeplink without SSO.