Avendoo® online documentation

Qualifications profiles: context menu

New qualifications profile

If you choose New qualifications profile in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the Qualifications profile wizard for creating a new qualifications profile opens.


If you choose Edit in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the Qualifications profile wizard for editing the qualifications profile opens.


If you choose Delete in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the dialog window Delete for deleting the qualifications profile opens. Then you click on the button Delete.

Translation area

If you choose Translation area in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the dialog window Translation area for translating the qualifications profile opens. To do translations in different languages, you click on the button Do a translation of your favored languageMore information about the translation management you find here.

Show report

If you choose Show report in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the dialog window Reports opens. By marking the appropriate report and clicking the button View, you can view this report.


If you choose Information in the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile, the dialog window Information with the tabs GeneralUse and History opens.


On the tab General you find the following information regarding:

  • Title,
  • Owner,
  • Creation date,
  • Path (Qualifications profile),
  • ID (Qualifications profile),
  • Deeplink (Qualifications profile),
  • Translator and
  • Media used.


On the tab Use you find information regarding:

  • Type,
  • Path,
  • Title and
  • External reference.


On the tab History you find the history of the change data with information about date and time and the appropriate editor.