In a qualifications profile you have qualifications with the same qualification scale. Prerequisites for creating a qualifications profile ist the creation of a qualification scale and of a qualification group. If you create a qualification group you can create a qualification and select a qualification scale.
If you have created several qualifications with qualification groups, you get a qualifications profile. The qualifications profile represents a role. You can assign each role only once to a qualifications profile.
Via click on the symbol of the translation area you get into the translation management of the appropriate qualification profile.
Further information about qualifications in the user frontend you find here.
Further information about qualifications in the team leader cockpit you find here.
There are the mass processing functions Copy and Delete for qualifications profiles. More information about these functions you find under Qualifications profile: Mass processing functions.
The following functions are available via the context menu of the appropriate qualifications profile title.
Title/teaser text
Enter a title for the qualifications profile.
Enter a teaser text for the qualifications profile.
Define the main language for the qualifications profile. If the qualifications profile is to be created in different languages, it must be translated in the translation area.
Select a role to which the qualifications profile is to be assigned.
Add qualifications that describe the qualifications profile by clicking the button Select qualification. For each qualification, you can add a description and the desired level to be met (this means which scale value is achieved) for that qualification.