On this side you find further information how to adjust standard e-mail templates in Avendoo®. This is the case if there is a new language available for example.
You can insert global media in e-mail templates for unregistered users by doing the following steps:
- Upload the medium for use everywhere.
- Open the context menue of the appropriate medium for use everywhere.
- Copy the ID and insert it into the following URL template (without “”): http://””Insert customer’s domain””/l/media/””Insert ID for medium for use everywhere””/de/image/file/content .
- Insert the adjusted link into the e-mail template.
Note: If you adjust e-mail texts for events you have to adjust it in the content client if the content client exists. If you want to edit the e-mail text for course activations, you have to edit it in the user client.
Alphabetically sorted list of all mail variables
Here you find a listing of all mail variables, which are available in different Avendoo® mail types. But there are not the same mail variables available in all mail types.
To get a list of mail variables, which are available in the current mail type, click in the editor on the button .
Variable |
Description |
$Address$ | Address of the recipient (Street, street number, zip code, city) |
$Amount$ | Amount |
$AssessmentTitle$ | Title of the assessment |
$AssignmentAnnouncementLink$ | Announcement link of a course activation |
$AssignmentLink$ | Link to a course activation |
$AssignmentObjectLink$ | Link to a learning content |
$BillingAddress$ | Billing address of the recipient (Street, street number, zip code, city) |
$BillingCompany$ | Company name of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingEMail$ | E-mail address of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingFirstname$ | First name of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingLastname$ | Last name of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingLocation$ | City of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingPostcode$ | Zip code of the recipient’s billing address |
$BillingStreet$ | Street of the recipient’s billing address |
$BlogEntryTitle$ | Title of the blog entry |
$Certificate$ | Title of the certificate |
$CertificateExpiryDate$ | Expiry date of a certificate |
$CertificateLimitActualValue$ | Number of the currently valid certificates |
$CertificateLimitMessage$ | Information about achieved limit. Inserts a text bundle relating to the relevant limit. |
$CertificateLimitValue$ | Limit of the valid certificate. Limits are defined in the appropiate tab “Limits” of a certificate. |
$CertificateUser$ | Number of certificated users |
$Classification$ | Classification |
$Comment$ | Comment of the user if there is an inquiry for a new password |
$CommunityCommentCreator$ | Creator of the comment in the community |
$CommunityCommentMessageLink$ | Link which leads to the community message with new comment. If the user isn’t logged in, he will be lead to the login and after that to the community message. |
$CommunityCommentMessageTitle$ | Text of the comment in the community |
$Company$ | Company name of the recipient |
$CourseTitle$ | Title of the course |
$Currency$ | Currency |
$Date$ | Date |
$Duration$ | Example for course activation: The duration indicates after how many days a participant should have edit a course. This duration is defined in the course wizard. |
$DurationReminder$ | This value indicates how many days before expiration of the duration a reminder message is sent. |
$EPaymentCustomer$ | Customer description of the e-payment service provider |
$EPaymentDate$ | Date of the payment |
$EPaymentRefNo$ | Reference number of the payment |
$EPaymentTeaser$ | Description of the e-payment procedure |
$EPaymentTitle$ | Title of the e-payment |
$EssayComment$ | Comment for evaluation of the essay question |
$Firstname$ | First name of the recipient |
$Forum$ | Title of the forum |
$Forumarticle$ | Text of the forum article |
$ForumArticleTitle$ | Title of the existing forum article |
$ForumLink$ | Link to a forum |
$ForumLinkTopic$ | Link to a selected topic of a forum |
$Forumtopic$ | Title of the existing forum topic |
$FullUsername$ | First and last name of the recipient |
$FullUsernameSender$ | Full Name of the sender (first and last name) |
$HrLogin$ | External user name |
$Location$ | Location of the recipient’s company |
$Login$ | User name of the recipient |
$MaxPoints$ | Maximum Points |
$MinPointLevel$ | Passing grade in per cent |
$NewArticleName$ | Title of the new forum article |
$NewBlogArticleTitle$ | Title of the new blog article |
$NewPassword$ | New password of the recipient |
$NewTopicName$ | Title of the new forum topic |
$ObjectTitle$ | Title of the learning object |
$ObjectType$ | Type of the learning object |
$Participant$ | Name of the participant (first and last name) |
$ParticipantEmail$ | E-Mail address of the participant |
$ParticipantList$ | Participant list |
$ParticipantLogin$ | User name of the participant |
$ParticipantOe$ | Organisational entity of the participant |
$ParticipantPhone$ | Phone number of the participant |
$ParticipantPhoneMobile$ | Cell phone number of the participant |
$ParticipantSuperiorFullUsername$ | Full name of the participant’s superior (first and last name) |
$Phone$ | Phone number (prior landline, even there are other phone numbers) |
$PollLink$ | Link to the poll |
$PollTitle$ | Title of the poll |
$Postcode$ | Zip code the recipient’s company |
$PrivateMessageLink$ | Link to a private message. The link leads for logged-off users to the login page. After login the start page or the dashboard for authors is displayed. There is the new private message selected beside the envelope, on the right side above the navigation bar. This message can be opened. |
$PrivateMessageSender$ | Name of the sender of a private message |
$PrivateMessageText$ | Text of a private message |
$ReachedLevel$ | Reached level in per cent |
$ReachedPoints$ | Reached points |
$RecipientList$ | Displays the list of the recipients of a evaluation request e-mail. |
$ReportAboCreator$ | Creator of the subscription |
$ReportAboTitle$ | Title of the subscription |
$ReportTitle$ | Title of the report |
$SeminarAnnouncementLink$ | Announcement link to the event |
$SeminarCancelComment$ | Comment of the author when unsubscribing participants of an event. It is also used for inserting the comment of a participant, if he declines an invitation for an event. |
$SeminarDependentFeedback$ | Feedback, which is connected with the event. |
$SeminarEscortName$ | List of the first and last names of the escorts |
$SeminarEventActual$ | Current number of participants of the event date |
$SeminarEventAddress$ | Address of the event date. The entry of “details of the event location”, created in the event date, is used. |
$SeminarEventClosing$ | Closing date. After the closing date no participants can be registered. |
$SeminarEventCoordinator$ | Coordinator of the event date |
$SeminarEventDeadline$ | Date of the deadline. Participants will be unregistered on the deadline, if they haven’t satisfied their preparation requirements. The deadline is defined in the event wizard on “communication” –> “how the event will proceed”. The preparation requirements are mandatory content, which is placed before a hurdle on the learning path. The event has to be placed after the hurdle. |
$SeminarEventDescription$ | Description of the event date |
$SeminarEventEnd$ | Date on which the event date ends. |
$SeminarEventLocation$ | Location of the event date |
$SeminarEventMax$ | Maximum number of participants of the event date |
$SeminarEventMin$ | Minimum number of participants of the event date |
$SeminarEventRoom$ | Room of the event date |
$SeminarEventStart$ | Date of the beginning of the event date |
$SeminarEventUser$ | Name of the main speaker of an event date (first and last name) |
$SeminarEventUserPhone$ | Telephone number of the main speaker of an event date |
$SeminarEventWaiting$ | Number of participants on waiting list of the event date |
$SeminarLimitMsg$ | Information about achieved limit. Inserts a text bundle relating to the concerned limit. Limits are for example the maximum and the minimum number of participants. |
$SeminarTitle$ | Title of the event |
$SequenceTitle$ | Title of the knowledge test |
$Server$ | Server address (http://servername). Defined in the systems settings “system.base.url”. If the URL is changed, it can be set as variable.
By defining a new client the URLs are mostly inserted by default. |
$Street$ | Street of the recipient’s company |
$Surname$ | Last name of the recipient |
$TaskTitle$ | Title of the task |