System requirements of the client

Look for single requirements regarding the software components in the following table.

Components Requirements
Browser – Microsoft Edge: Latest version
– Mozilla Firefox: Latest version
– Google Chrome: Latest version
– Safari: Latest version

On the Login page as in the author backend and user area a banner will be shown, on which we point out to:
– if a not supported browser is recognized or
– if this browser is not the latest.

JavaScript Activated
Cookies Needed
Further informationen in chapter Cookies.
Appointment requests iCal-enabled mail client
Progressive web app for mobile devices At least Android 11, iOS 15

System requirements of the server

Look for single requirements regarding the hardware components in the following table.

ProcessorMinimum 2 GHz (x64 processor)
Minimum 4 processor kernels
Operating systemWindows Server 2016/2019
Up-to-date Linux distributions
Random-access memoryWindows Server: minimum 20 GB
Linux: minimum 16 GB
Hard disc storage unitMinimum 60 GB
Hard disc speedYou find an entry for the hard disc speed in the list for system requirements. Via the button “Test” you can check the hard disc speed. This value should be smaller than the value in the list.

Look for single requirements regarding the software components in the following table.

Web server (if SSL needed)Minimum Apache 2.4
Application serverTomcat 9.0 with minimum version 9.0.71 with 4 GB memory
Data base serverMinimum Oracle MySQL, version 8
JavaJava 17, Open JDK 17