Avendoo® online documentation

Create training plans easy

We work on improving the creation of training plans. First at all some tricks how you can operate at creating training plans. Further we have created examples of path structures for you, so you can see the diversity of options and transfer it for own training plans.

Create path:

  1. Proceed alwalys in one direction, for example:
    • From top to bottom
    • From left to right side
    • Example:
      • Cell 2,1 to 1,2
      • Cell 2,1 to 3,2
      • Cell 1,2 to 2,3
      • Cell 3,2 to 2,3
      • Cell 2,3 to 2,4
  2. Check the connections via click on the gear-wheel The connections to other course activations are shown (See: Control the editing process).

Control the editing process

Different path settings can influence the sequence. You can configure the properties per course activation via the gear-wheel .

  1. Path as recommendation: Via the setting The course activation can be edited by the participant at any time for all course activations you can recommend a path. But the participants can determine the order of editing course activations by themselves.
  2. Path with conditions: If the participant should complete a predecessor at least on the training plan before he/she can edit the appropriate course activation, so select the setting The course activation can be edited by the participant if at least one predecessor course is completed on the path from the start to this course activation.
  3. Adherence of the path: If you want that the given path on the training plan be strictly met, so select for all elements The course activation can be edited by the participant if all predecessor courses are completed on the path from the start to this course activation.


The path is directed, this means the direction on the path is given depending on in which order you connect the cells. Thus the direction of connections in the training plan corresponds the order of clicking. The first clicked connection point is the starting point and the second clicked connection point is the goal of the connection. You connect A -> and Avendoo® processes A -> B.

Examples of different path structures

Like in this example all course activations should be completed successively and at the end a test has to be made.