You define your report groups for different user types. Via click on the title you open the report groups wizard of existing report groups. The column report group shows you for which user type the group is created. Below reports you find the current number of the reports in this group. Below standard you see, if this group is selected as standard for the appropiate user type.
Assign reports
You assign the report groups to the users in the appropiate user wizard on the tab functions. On the other hand you choose a report group and click on Assigning in the appropiate line. Via a new window you choose users, for which the report group should be available.
Hint: You can assign only one report group to a user.
Create a new report group
Master Data
First you enter a definite title for the report group on the tab master data. Then you choose the user type, for which the report group should be created. You can choose between:
Depending on the chosen user type there are different reports available on the next tab report options. The report options for author teamleader, user teamleader and user are restricted as not every information and evaluation is appropiate for every user type. This ensures that you can only assign reports to report groups, for which the chosen user type is meaningful. A user shouldn’t be able to evaluate the learning success per organizational unit for example.
Furthermore you can define via checkbox, if this report group is standard for the chosen user type.
Report options
You can assign the reports to the report group on the next tab report groups options. Therefore you select the appropiate name of the report and move the report via in your individual selection. You can deselect reports out of a report group, if you select the appropiate report and move it via
into the list of the available reports.