Avendoo® online documentation

New location

To create a new location, choose Resources → Locations → New location. The Venue assistant opens.

Select between the following locations:

  • Event location,
  • Hotel or
  • Virtual location.

If you have selected an event location or an hotel, please read this page.

Create new virtual location

You click on Virtual location in the Venue assistant.

Master data

Title and language

Enter a title and choose a language for the new location.

External reference and external reference type

External references are used for organizing and for linking to other systems. This you can use for manual assignments and on using interfaces, for example: REST API. You can search for external reference in the advanced filter function.
The external reference represents a reference value like ID, serial number or name. The external reference type describes which reference it is and how to understand the reference value. This is very important, if there are different sources or types of references, which use the same reference values.

Reference type SAP customer number with the external reference 100234
Reference type SAP user ID with the external reference 000004


Active location

Indicate whether this location can be used actively or is temporarily not usable (e.g. due to renovation, etc.).

Location type

Indicate whether this location is an event location and/or a hotel.

Locations of the type hotel are only determined to be for the lodging of the participants.
Event location serves as location only for realization of face to face sessions.

Note that you can select both options, for example if the location is a hotel for seminars, in which the realization of the event and the lodging of the participants take place.

If you select locations for an event date you can filter via these settings the list of locations. For example: you get only locations displayed, which have the option event location at least.

Note that the location type selection affects the task assignments. Only the appropriate tasks (sub tab Task assignment event location or Task assignment hotel on the tab Tasks) can be assigned while adding the location in the  Event date wizard, if you have selected the appropriate location type before.

Address of the location

Enter the exact address of the location. You can enter the following data:

Price per overnight stay

Indicate the price per overnight stay.

Contact partners

Select a contact or a user for the venue. To create a new contact, choose User management → Contact management.

Regional leader

Select a regional leader.

Internal and external description

Enter a text in the field Internal description and External description.
If you add the variable $PlaceInternalDescription$ or $PlaceExternalDescription$ on the tab Description, this entered text will be used.

Alternative description (without HTML)

Enter an alternative description for the location (without HTML). The alternative description is shown via the variable $PlacePlainDescription$ (which you insert into the main description) in the preview.


Assign calendars

Assign one or more calendars (for example: a calendar for national holidays and another calendar for regional holidays) to each material by clicking the button Add and selecting the appropriate calendar. You can remove the assigned calendar again if applicable.

Add calendar days

Add manual calendar days. These calendar days are then marked as “booked”.

Enter an appropriate title like “Home office” and select the favored date for the starts and ends at time. Also enter the corresponding time. If you set the check Send iCal and click the button Save, the (individual) notification “Calendar booking for material” will be sent, which is configured in the Client wizard.

Finally, click the button Add. If required you can remove this calendar entry via clicking the Recycle bin.

To create a new calendar, choose Resources → Calendar → New calendar. Further information you find under Calendar.

Time zone

Time difference
Indicate the time difference for the location. UTC = Coordinated Universal Time

Time zone
Indicate the time zone for the location.Certain time zones have diffent rules regarding daylight savings time versus regular time. If you change time zones, the time zone for an event date using this location is not adjusted.

World map
You can also select the time difference by clicking in the corresponding area on the map.
The map size can be changed with the plus and minus button ( plus15 and minus15).


Edit the description of the location via the editor in the following steps:

  1. Select a responsive layout via the button Responsive layouts.
  2. Select if applicable the buttons Text area, Room list, Address or/and Picture gallery.

Note: The old descriptions are still existing. You can edit them via this editor.

Via this button you insert text area per drag and drop. To edit the text area, click in the box and the editor opens.

Via this button you insert a place holder for the room list per drag and drop. Via the preview of the location you see, which room list is inserted.

Via this button you insert a place holder for the address per drag and drop. Via the preview of the location you see which address is inserted.

Via this button you insert a place holder for the picture gallery per drag and drop. Via the preview of the location you see, which picture gallery is inserted.


Upload media for describing the location more exactly or displaying it graphically to give a preview to the learner. If you have uploaded multiple images, the image, which is at first position and bordered in colors, will be selected as standard preview image.

You can click the colored title of the picture, after the picture was uploaded, in the dialog window Upload pictures (see second screenshot). Thus this picture is available in the download folder of the Explorer.



To assign a task, first define the location type on the tab Parameters and then click the button Add task template on this tab.

To create a new task template, click first on the button Add a task template and then on the button New task template.

Task templates at the event venue

Task templates at the hotel

Task templates

First select a task template.


You can select the following trigger:

  • Event date activation,
  • Changed food requests,
  • Changed overnight stay bookings,
  • Substitute participants,
  • Registrations,
  • Registration cancellations,
  • Advance on the waiting list,
  • Too few participants,
  • Too many participants,
  • Event date initializing,
  • Event date planning or
  • Event date cancelation.

You define by setting the check box, if the trigger is

  • immediately active or
  • how many hours and days before or after Start of the event date, Registration deadline or Deregistration deadline.

If you have selected the trigger Event date activation, Event date initializing, Event date planning or Event date cancelation, you cannot define Trigger active from, because these triggers are always immediately active from. Via the trigger Event date initializing and Event date planning the coordinator can create and edit tasks, which are before the Event date activiation.
On trigger Event date activation the task is created as the event date status switches from Initialized to Active.
On trigger Event date initializing the task is created as the event date status switches from Planned to Initialized.
On trigger Event date planning the task is immediately created as the author saves the event date and the event date status is Planned.
On trigger Event date cancelation the task is immediately created as the event date status switches from any status to Canceled.

If you’ve selected the triggers Changed food requests, Changed overnight stay bookings, Substitute participants, Registrations, Deregistrations, Advance on the waiting list, Too few participants or Too many participants you can also select before or after closing date for hotel booking. Further information about the Closing date for hotel booking you find under the Event oder Event date wizard.

If you have added task templates with the trigger Registrations and Advance on the waiting list and a participant has been moved up from the waiting list and then will be registered by the waiting list, Avendoo® generates a registrations task and when the participant moves up from the waiting list an advance on the waiting list task.

Who is given the task (task owner)?

Define the responsible person for the task by clicking the appropriate radio button:

  • Coordinator of the event date
  • Owner of the event
  • Main speaker for event date
  • Selecting an author
    Therefore click on the button Select, select the appropriate author from the list and confirm your selection by clicking the button Select.

Due date

Define the due date of the task in the following format:

  • Hours
  • Days

Additionally you select if the due date of the task should be

  • before the start of the event date, registration deadline or deregistration deadline or
  • after the start of the event date, registration deadline or deregistration deadline

Via the button Delete you can delete the task template assignment.


Create a room, which belongs to the location or edit or delete already created rooms. Also you can merge rooms.

You can change an active room to an inactive room by clicking on the green rectangle of the appropriate room.

Create new room

Create a room for the location. The Room assistant opens.


To edit a room, mark it in the table.


Deletes the selected room.


Merge two existing rooms. The Merge rooms assistant opens.