The report gives an overview of the answers to questions of a knowledge test. Find out incomprehensibly asked questions and improve the quality of the knowledge test. This report will be displayed correctly even, if there are no results.
Choose a knowledge test.
- OU (OE)
- Date
- Start date
- End date
Example for a report
When a question is badly answered in average, it also may be caused by the question or the ambiguity of the answers. To check the quality of your knowledge test, let the average answer levels of all test results be displayed by this report.
Title of the question
Question type
Represents the question type, for example Yes-no-question, single-choice question.
External reference
If stated the external references are displayed.
If there are keywords entered for the questions, they are displayed.
Shows maximum number of points achievable
Shows number of answers
Shows average number of points achieved
Represents the achieved level in per cent.