This report shows an overview of all event dates of the selected client.
Select the client, for which you want to evaluate the event dates and restrict the data on a certain time period (starting and end date).
The check box for displaying active, carried out, closed and canceled event dates is set by default. You can remove the check mark if applicable.
If you set the check box Issue initiated dates and or Issue list of interested parties, you can list event dates with the appropriate status in the evaluation. Furthermore you can select a category or even a sub category to restrict the data.
Example of a report
The report Overview of the event dates is a very detailed evaluation. The following data is generated via the report:
Data of event dates
- Provider: Represents the first level of the category tree.
- Product group: Represents the second level of the category tree.
- Topic: Represents the third level of the category tree.
- Event title: The title of the appropriate event.
- Starting date: The starting date inclusive starting time of the appropriate event date.
- End date: The end date inclusive end time of the appropriate event date.
- Duration of event [h]: The duration of an event date in hours.
- Status: The event date has six different status (initiated, active, carried out, closed, canceled, preliminary). For information about the status see here.
- Event venue: The location of the event date.
- Address: Represents the details of the event venue, which you enter in the event date, for example: room number, street, building number.
- Language: The language which is performed in the event.
- First date: If the shown event date is a follow-up event date of another event date, you get the first and thus the main event date of the group shown.
- Min: The minimum number of participants of this event date.
- Max: The maximum number of participants of this event date.
- Participants: Number of participants who are registered to this event date.
- Warteliste: Number of participants who are on the waiting list of the event date.
- Coordinator: The responsible coordinator for this event date.
Data of the event speakers
- Name: First and last name of the entered event speaker.
- Duration [h]: The action time of the event speaker in hours.
- External staff: Data of external staff.
Furthermore you get displayed the description of the single event dates as last column.