This report gives you an overview of the knowledge-test results.
Choose a knowledge test for assessment.
You can restrict the assessment data with the following filters:
- User
- Course activation
- Client
- Division
- Group
- OU (OE)
- Date
- Start date
- End date
Example for a report
In this report the chosen filter settings are displayed. All attempts of the users are listed in chronological order in a table. The user names contain a link to a drill down report.
Per attempt you get the following data:
User name
login name of the user and link to the drill down report “Question results for an attempt”
last name, first name of the user
Organisational unit
the OU or OE of the user
Personnel number
the personnel number of the user, if stored in the user data
Cost center
the cost center of the user, if stored in the user data
Starting date and Time
Date and Time, at which the editing of the knowledge test has started
the scored grade, if a grading key is stored at the knowledge test
the points, which the user has achieved
the maximum points which can be achieved at the knowledge test
the percentage of the achieved points of the user
the minimum points (in per cent ) which can be scored at the knowledge test for passing it
- Failed
- Passed
- Assessment due: To finish the assessment for the user, there has to be evaluated for example just one more essay question.
In the last line there are the number of the existing data records, an average for the achieved points and the level displayed.