The report gives you an overview of the desired and the remaining hours of education per user plus information about the weekly working time.
Required filters
Filter values that are required for requesting a report:
- Activation client
- Time period
- Start date
- End date
- Organizational unit
Optional filters
Filter values that are optional for requesting a report and for further limiting the result:
- Division
- Group
- User status
- Show all users
- Show only active users
- Show only inactive users
Report columns
Indicate which columns in the report should be shown. To do so, activate the desired report column by putting a check in the checkbox. To change the position of a report column, simply drag it to the place where you want to put it and drop it there.
Course participant
You can show the following entries for the column “Course participant”. Therefore set the checkbox in the appropiate line.
- User name
- Form of address
- Title
- Name
- Last name
- First name
- Company
- Organizational unit
- Division
- Group
- Street, building number
- ZIP code
- Town
- Country
- Phone
- Cell
- Cell phone (home)
- Defined 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
- Personnel No.
- Role
- Language
- Gender
- Withdrawal date
- Withdrawal time
- Superior
- Inactive user
- Cost center
You can show the following entries for the column “Superior”. Therefore set the checkbox in the appropiate line.
- User name
- Form of address
- Title
- Name
- Last name
- First name
- Company
- Organizational unit
- Division
- Group
- Street, building number
- ZIP code
- Town
- Country
- Phone
- Cell
- Cell phone (home)
- Defined 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
- Personnel No.
- Role
- Language
- Gender
- Withdrawal date
- Withdrawal time
- Superior
- Inactive user
- Cost center
Learning time allotment
You can show the following entries for the column “Learning time allotment”. Therefore set the checkbox in the appropiate line.
- Weekly working time
- Hours spent on education
- Desired hours of education
- Remaining hours of education
To arrange the evaluation results more clearly, you can define the sorting of the whole report and if the report should be sorted in descending or ascending order.
- No limitation or
- Sorting by chosen entry
Define if diagrams or logos should be displayed, for example to save space:
- Show logos
- Show header and filter data
- Show footer
- No group overview in CSV export
- Use fixed width in report columns
Example for a report
The report shows you your filter settings at first. The time period defines the amount of the time period of the used education hours. The education hours are often defined per year, thus you should set the filter for a year.
Furthermore you get a bar diagram as evaluation of the editing status. Then you see a listing of the evaluation entries, which you have individually chosen in “Report columns”.
Weekly working time
results from the value that is entered in “Defined 11” in the user management
Hours spent on education
represents how many hours of education are used for the chosen time period (Weekly working time * Desired-hours-of-education factor – Remaining hours of education appropiate education inventory)
First example: 35 hours weekly working time makes 15 hours spent on education (conversion factor 0,4286, thus 35 hours * 0,4286 = 15 hours). If the job has 5o per cent working time (17,5 hours per week) you get 8 hours spent on education.
Second example (see screenshot): 789 hours weekly working time of the whole group 1 makes 338,17 hours spent on education (conversion factor 0,4286). The remaining hours of education are 338,17.
Desired-hours-of-education factor
is the conversion factor to get the desired hours of education from the weekly working time. You can configure this factor via system property “education.hours.weekly.over.working.time”.
Desired hours of education
Value that results from weekly working time and the conversion factor
Remaining hours of education
Differnce between actual and target hours of education (How many hours of education can still be used?)