Event date – Add follow-up date

You can add follow-up dates for an event for creating a series of events out of event dates which are related to each other regarding content. Therefore you create a first event and add for example three event dates as follow-up date. The participants, who are registered to the main event (first event date), are automatically participants of the follow-up dates. You can add follow-up dates only to an already created event date.

Basically, Avendoo® sends an update by adding another new follow-up date, if already an event date or an event date group exists. Also, update mails will be sent if the starting time of the follow-up date has been changed. If you’ve configured update options on accompanying persons in the event, within the registration confirmation on adjusting hotel data or data of additional service or accompanying persions, or within the invitation mail on adjusting hotel data or data of additional service, there will sent additionally mail regarding the update. You can display the mail history on the tab Mail history in the corresponding Event manager.


The follow-up date assumes all values of the main event date (except the date) by default, also on the parameter “status”, which was assumed initially from the sytem property “seminar.event.default.state” (if “Active” or “Being Planned” as default). Only on status “Active” invitation mails (if activated) and update mails will be sent.

To add a follow-up date, choose Learning content → Events → Dates→ Event date wizard →  Add follow-up date. The Event date wizard opens.

Master data

Starting date and starts at
Define the starting date and the starting time of the event date. The data of the main event date is already selected.

End date and ends at
Define the end date and end time of the event date. The data of the main event date is already selected.

Click the button Add coordinator, set the check box at the appropriate coordinator and then click Select. The green circle symbolizes that the coordinator is active. If you click on the green circle the circle gets gray and the appropriate coordinator is for the appropriate event date deactivated and on the next turn removed. You can remove the coordinator for all event dates at once by clicking X.

Click the button Add speaker, set the check box at the appropriate speaker and then click Select. The green circle symbolizes that it is the main speaker. If you click the green circle gets gray and the main speaker turns to co-speaker, if the time is defined. You can remove the speaker for all event dates at once by clicking X. Additionally you can remove the starting and end time and the duration.

Add venue/room
Click the button Add venue/room, select the radio button of the appropriate venue or room and then click Select and in the next dialog window click the button Select room. If you select this function the time will be preallocated with the event time.
The green circle symbolizes that it is the main location. If you click on the green circle the circle turns gray and the main location will be secondary location if the time is defined. You can remove the room for all event dates at once by clicking X. Additionally you can remove the starting and end time and the duration.

Add virtual room
Click the button Add virtual room. If you work with the format iLinc, select the option iLinc.

Add manual room
To create rooms manually, click the button Add manual room. Avendoo® shows the table entry Manually created room. To enter the room in the field, click on Add. There are three fields available, in which you can enter room designation, room number and floor.
If you add a manual room, Avendoo® defines it as main location.

Add hotel

If you have selected the location type Hotel for the created hotel in the Venue assistant, you can add this, too. In contrary to the location you enable the participants of an event date to book the appropriate hotel. Authors see the details of the hotel in the Event date wizard and participants in the catalog only, if you have set the status to Active under Parameters in the Event date wizard.

Click the button Add hotel, select the radio button of the appropriate hotel and click on the button Select. The green circle symbolizes that it is the main lodging. If you add further hotels the circle is gray. If you click on the circle you can change the status.

Further you can define, if the arrival is the previous day and you enter, how many booking days they are.
If the automatic hotel booking is active (in the Administration area under Properties), Avendoo® books after successful registration the chosen arrival and departure days (field Preselected).

Also you can define the capacity of the appropriate hotel via arrow buttons, this means you define the number of places at the main event dateWithout limit(no value) is default.

If you move or change event dates, Avendoo® adjust automatically the data regarding the event dates, if participants with hotel bookings are already registered to the event date. But you have to check existing bookings manually if follow-up event dates are changed.


Registration and deregistration deadline
Select the registration deadline and the deregistration deadline of the event date.

You can enter detailed information of the event date in the description.

Information for the speaker

This information receives the speaker via Dynamic attendance list (e-mail pdf), suitable for the day. This information should be used for catering and other purpose. You can enter it per day of the event.

Choose the status “Being Planned”, if you can’t do some bookings, this means the event date isn’t available for the registration process.
Choose the status “Active”, if users should register as of now to this event date.
Choose the status “Initiated”, if the event shouldn’t be available for the users for self-registration. Later you can change all event dates from status “Initiated” to “Active”.
Avendoo® sets the status “Carried out”, when the event date is completed.

Reason for cancelation
Choose the reason for cancelation. Additionally you can add additional information regarding the processor of the reason for cancelation via clicking on +information and via choosing the user name or/and date/time.

External reference and reference type

External references are used for organizing and for linking to other systems. This you can use for manual assignments and on using interfaces, for example: REST API. You can search for external reference in the advanced filter function.
The external reference represents a reference value like ID, serial number or name. The external reference type describes which reference it is and how to understand the reference value. This is very important, if there are different sources or types of references, which use the same reference values.

Reference type SAP customer number with the external reference 100234
Reference type SAP user ID with the external reference 000004

Send registration confirmation CC to
Set a check box before SuperiorCoordinator and Owner, if to these a registration confirmation should be sent as copy. You select further recipients by clicking the button Select and selecting via radio button the appropriate recipient and finally confirming this via the button Select. Via a click on the button Remove you can remove the appropriate recipient.

Sending date for the attendance list

If you want to define the date of the registration deadline from the event date as sending date for the attendance list, select necessarily At the end of registration.
If you select 0 days prior to event date start April 27, 2018, Avendoo® sends the attendance list, once the number of days is reached (defined in the Event wizard on the tab Communication). Avendoo® don’t use in this case the date of registration deadline of the appropriate event date.
You can select an individually defined sending date in the field Alternative sending date.
Avendoo® sends in both cases the attendance list to all speakers.

Recipient of the attendance list 
Set the check box at the option Coordinator, if you want to define that Avendoo® sends the attendance list as additional information to the coordinator.
Set the check box at the option Main speaker (or Event co-speaker), if you want to define that Avendoo® sends the attendance list as additional information to the main speaker (or event co-speaker).
To add further recipients of the attendance list as information, click the button Add recipient.

Event date inquiries for event speakers

If you set the check box Activate event date inquiries for speakers on the sub tab Registration and invitation e-mails of the tab Communication (Event speaker and/or event co-speaker), this function is activated. To activate the event date inquiries for event speakers, set the check box Activate.

Click the button Add material, select the appropriate material by setting a check box and finally click the button Select. The green circle symbolizes that the material is active. If you click on the green circle the circle turns gray and the appropriate material is for the appropriate event date deactivated and will be on the next turn removed. You can remove the material for all event dates immediately, if you click the X.

Status of the event date inquiries
If you move with the mouse over the status display of the event date inquiry (gray, black, red or yellow box) in the column Event speaker, the description is shown.
To activate the event date inquiries, you have set the check boxes for event date inquiries for the event speaker or/and the event co-speaker on the sub tab Registration and invitation e-mails of the tab Communication of the Event wizard.
The e-mails will be sent only if the status has changed from Being Planned to Initiated or higher.


Language of a given event date

What language will be used to conduct the event on this date?


Determine the price for the event date.

E-mail regarding event date groups

Specify whether just one e-mail for the event date group is to be sent to the participants or multiple e-mails for each individual event date in the group.


Set a minimum and maximum number of participants, also select a number of participants for the waiting list.


Quotas in Avendoo® are for regulating the registration to an event date group. You can configure for example, how many users from a participant group are allowed to register to an event date group (limitation) or how many slots are reserved for a group of participants (reservation).

Select one of the following options:

  • No allotments
  • Standard allotments
    If you select this option, a table will be shown, in which you select first the group of participants (Region, Organizational Unit (OU), Group, Area or Roles). If there are already defined groups of participants, you see under Description a selection of them, like product manager or senior consultant, whereas the corresponding client is shown in brackets. Then you select the number of limitation. Finally, you click the button Add. Then this standard allotment is added. If required you can use the button Delete for deleting this standard allotment.
  • Automatic allotments
    If you select this option, a table will be shown, in which you select first the group of participants (Deactivated, Region, Organizational unit (OU), Group, Area or Roles). Then you select the number of limitation. In this case you don’t need to add. To activate the corresponding automatic allotment, click the button Apply and Close on the tab Parameters.

To create automatic allotments (automatically generated allotments; represent a limitation and no reservation; they provide for only registering participants as allowed, who are part of this allotment), do the following steps:

  1. To deactivate the automatic allotments, choose “Deactivated” (set default) if applicable in the drop down menu.
  2. To activate the automatic allotments for a region, an organizational unit, group or division, choose the appropriate entry in the drop down menu and enter the appropriate number of slots for the automatic allotment.
    The appropriate automatic allotment will be generated on registering of the user and it will be displayed. Note that the user can’t always register, but the author can always register the users. In the last case no automatic allotment is generated.

You can combine the waiting list with the contingents and automatic allotments. The waiting list will be filled if the registration is impossible and participants succeed, if contingents or places get released.

Example: An event date has got 6 places. The automatic allotment AA1 for the organizational unit OU1 is activated with 2 places, also AA2 for OU2 and AK3 for OU3. All automatic allotments are taken, this means 6 participants are registered. Now a participant of OU4 registers by himself and because the places are all taken, AA4 will be generated and the appropriate participant is set on the waiting list. If a participant now deregisters, the participant of the waiting list succeeds (AA4 for OU4 is 2).

If the maximum number of particpants is achieved, the coordinator receives automatically an e-mail.
You can activate a waiting list for an event date. Therefore enter the maximum number of persons for the waiting list in the appropriate field.

Event date type

Choose the type of the event date:

  • Standard
  • Seminar
  • Training
  • Examination
  • Information event
  • Lecture
  • Instruction
  • Initial training
  • Definition 1
  • Definition 2


Choose a tag for the event date.


Stipulate the description of the follow-up date.


Select the initiator of the event. You can delete the selection of the initiator if applicable. Later you can filter for “I am the initiator of the event” in the event management.

Food requests

To stipulate whether food requests should be able to be recorded for each participant and event date group, set the check box Activate food requests.

User-defined fields

Which fields are shown on this tab, depends on what the author with the administration (object) rights Read, select and Change, create under User-defined fields has created. This author also selects the field type (text field, object selection or dropdown) and in which wizard the user-defined field shall be shown, this means if in the Event wizardEvent date wizardCourse activation wizard or UCG wizard for learning units .


Note that the user-defined fields are cross-client available. Furthermore they are integrated regarding the following functions:
– templates,
– copy,
– translations,
– export and import,
– Across,
– copy event date,
– mass processing function,
– duplicate event dates,
– values as variables on the event page and
– Activated event dates.
Furthermore the corresponding filter with the user-defined field is shown after the filter Event type.
Note that not set fields are returned as empty or not defined in the Event API. Also the Portal API is enhanced.

You find further information on the page “User-defined fields“.

E-mail attachment


Select an event for which you want to configure the e-mail attachment.

E-mail attachment

To send an e-mail attachment with the confirmation of registration e-mail, the invitation e-mail, the thank-you e-mail or the follow-up e-mail, click on the button Add an e-mail attachment and select the media, which should be sent as attachment. For each medium you can define, with which e-mail it should be sent.



Select an event for which you want to configure documents.

Document list

Select the media, which should be shown as documents for the event date, by clicking the button Add document. You can use this document list before the event date, for example for having preparing materials. Also you can add documents for providing edited documents after an event date.

The difference to Shared files is that the shared files are available for a whole course.  If there are multiple events in one course, you can make the single documents available per event via the new document list.

The display below shows the following data and setting options:

Via click on the title you can display the document and you can download it.


Shows the description of the medium if existing.

Media Mime Type
Defines the medium and shows the mime type, for example image/png for a picture in PNG format.

Specific to event date
Set this check box, if you want that the document is fixed to a certain event date.

If you set this check box, a notification will be generated in the community to inform the participants of the event about new documents. Select with which priority an e-mail should be sent, if the user hasn’t read the community notification.

Speaker specific

Select an event speaker, if you want that the document is assigned to a certain event speaker.

Display area

You can make documents only available for a certain time period. There are the following options:

  • No restrictions
  • Visible from/to


To delete a document in the list, click on the button Delete.


Task assignment
To add a task template, click on the button Add a task template, select the appropriate task template and click on the button Select.

You can define, who receives the task (owner of the event date, owner of the event or selecting an author) and the due date of the task in hours and days before or after the event date starts or before or after registration or deregistration deadline. You can delete the task if applicable.

Task assignment event date
On this sub tab you have an overview of your task assignments so far regarding the appropriate event date.

Overview task assignments
On this sub tab you get an overview of your task assignments regarding relationship, title of the task template, who the task receives and the due date of the task.