event speaker can give participants for example a brainteaser. Therefore define in the Course activation wizard, which user type should define, if a task is done:
Exercises are some kind of homework and therefore they are outside of the Avendoo® system. An- Only authors,
- authors and team leaders or
- authors, team leaders and participants.
exercise, place on the learning path a task hurdle.
Note: If you want that your participants only process the learning unit after doing theOverview of exercises
If you have activated the option Exercises, you can add a new exercise. Thus choose Course management → Course activation → Preview und choose then in the opening dialog window the tab Tasks.
Copy tasks from a course activation
Add the task(s) of an already existing course activation to this course activation. Thus a new dialog window opens, in which you can restrict the display via filter.
Shows the date, to which the task should be done.
Shows, if the task is only active and optional to process or if it is mandatory.
Shows the title of the task. Via click on the title you see the setting of a task.
Shows the duration (in minutes) for editing the task.
Task assigner
This is the person, who has created the task. Via click on the name opens a new dialog window for changing the task assigner via filter.
The task is active.
The task is not active.
Number of participants, which have done or accepted the task.
Via click on this icon the editing overview of the task opens.
Record new task
If you have selected a course activation, which is created in multiple languages, you can create a task also in multiple languages.
The title of the tasks helps recognizing the task. You find this title in the list of tasks in the column “Task”.
Task text
Enter the task text for the participants.
Enter the category of the task. You can filter the category later on via the drop down menu above the task listing. Notice the right spelling and already created categories (via drop down above viewable) for avoiding redundancy in the drop down menu.
Enter a date, until the task should be done in the ideal case.
Enter a note for the participant, how much time he has to plan for editing.
Select the status of the task:
- Active
Once a task is active, it is viewable and can be assigned to individual participants of the course activation.
- Assign task to all course participants
The task is viewable for all participants of the course activation.
- Mandatory
The task is mandatory for selected participants.
Overview on task progress
If you click in the column Status on the participant icon , the dialog window Overview on task progress opens.
In this overview you see, how many course participants have already finished the task, how many course participants have accepted the task and how many course participants are entered in this course activation.
If the task is not assigned to all course participants, you can define the group of people by yourself. Thus click on the status icon
in the line of the favored course participant.